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Тема 3. Plow, its structure and operation

I. Из четырех вариантов (А), (В), (С), (D) выберите единственно правильный:

1.She wants to be а doctor .

  1. when she will leave school.

  2. when she leaves school.

  3. when she is leaving school.

  4. when she left school.

2.You have never been to Spain?

(A) isn't it

(B)is it

  1. haven't you

  2. have you

3.When I arrived, my sister .

(A) had dinner

(B) has had dinner

  1. was having dinner

  2. is having dinner

  1. Прочтите и переведите текст


The plow is used in seedbed preparation. It breaks and loosens the soil, covers trash or manure. Plow refers to the primary tillage equipment.

There are different types of plow, such as moldboard, disk, chisel, rotary, subsoil plows. The main parts of the plow are the plow bottom, the share, the mold-board, the landside, the frog and the beam.

The bottom actually breaks the soil. The bottom consists of the share, the landside and the moldboard, which lift, turn and invert the soil. These three parts are bolted to the frog.

The moldboard is just back of the share. It turns the furrow slice. The moldboard is the most important part of the plow. It is upon the mold-board that the furrow slice is broken and pulverized.

The share of a moldboard plow has the cutting edge and gunnel. The landside slides along the face of the furrow wall. It helps to counteract the side pressure caused by furrow slice on the moldboard. It helps to steady the plow during its operation.

There are trailing and mounted plows. The mounted plows are be­coming more popular.


Плуг используется в подготовке к гряде. Это ломает и ослабляет почву, покрывает мусор или удобрение. Плуг относится к основному оборудованию пашни.

Есть различные типы плуга, такие как отвал, диск, долото, ротация, плуги подпочвы. Главные части плуга - основание плуга, лемех, правление формы, полевая доска, башмак корпуса и луч.

Основание фактически ломает почву. Основание состоит из лемеха, полевой доски и отвала, которые снимают, поворачивают и инвертируют почву. Эти три части прикреплены к башмаку корпуса.

Отвал просто поворачивал лемех. Это поворачивает часть борозды. Отвал - самая важная часть плуга. Именно на правление формы часть борозды повреждалась и вспахивалась.

У доли плуга отвала есть лезвие и приварная щека лемеха. Полевая доска скользит вдоль поверхности стены борозды. Это помогает противодействовать давлению стороны, вызванному частью борозды на отвале. Это помогает стабилизировать плуг во время своего действия.

Там тянутся и установленные плуги. Установленные плуги становились более популярны.

III. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. What kind of an equipment is the plow referred to?

  2. What types of plows exist? There are different types of plow, such as moldboard, disk, chisel, rotary, subsoil plows.

  3. Which part of the plow breaks the soil? The bottom actually breaks the soil.

4. parts of the plow are bolted to the frog? The main parts of the plow are the plow bottom, the share, the mold-board, the landside, the frog and the beam. The bottom actually breaks the soil.

5 .What is the function of the moldboard? The share of a moldboard plow has the cutting edge and gunnel.

6 .What does the share consist of? The main parts of the plow are the plow bottom, the share, the mold-board, the landside, the frog and the beam.

7.What makes the plow steady during the operation? The share of a moldboard plow has the cutting edge and gunnel. The landside slides along the face of the furrow wall. It helps to counteract the side pressure caused by furrow slice on the moldboard. It helps to steady the plow during its operation

8. Which plows are more popular, trailing plows or mounted ones? There are trailing and mounted plows.

IV.Выпишите из текста предложения, содержащие:

  1. Present Indefinite Passive (мн. ч.);

  2. Present Continuous Active

V.Подчеркните в словах суффикс и префикс. Определите к какой части речи слова относятся:

Agriculturally, builder, hungrily, helpful, salty, saying, sun-bathing,

wonderingly, changeable, importantly, meaty, sixtieth.

VI. Расшифруйте следующие сокращения:

cps, HF, kc/s, kg, kc/s, ph, SW, t, V, W, w/w