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ДЗ англ.ЛД.docx
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  1. Сделай литературный перевод текста профессиональной направленности.


A man slipped and injured his leg. The man’s friend called an ambulance and when it arrived, transported him to the hospital which was quite near. The man complained of a bad pain in his leg and suffered very much. The surgeon examined the patient carefully. His ankle and foot were swollen, but the skin was normal in colour.

After the X-ray examination the surgeon diagnosed a fracture of the medial malleolus.

The surgeon anaesthetized the injured area, placed the fragments in a correct position and applied a plaster of Paris bandage.

In two days the X-ray examination showed that the bones were in a correct position.

In five weeks the man recovered and the surgeon removed the plaster of Paris bandage. The third roentgenogram revealed that the fracture had completely healed. He was discharged from the hospital and received a leave for two weeks.

The surgeon advised him to come to the out-patient department for further treatment with massage and warm baths.

malleolus.- лодыжка

Paris ban­dage- лангет

  1. Вырази свое отношение к прочитанному (2-3 предложения).

  1. Заполни анкету пациента.


  1. Do you eat regularly?

  1. How many meals do you have in a day?

  1. Where do you usually eat (at home, at work, in a canteen)?

  1. Is your food good?

  1. Are you a vegetarian?

  1. What food do you prefer?

  1. Придумай пропущенные в диалоге реплики. Прочитай диалог в паре с преподавателем.



“How are you?”

“…………………………... I’ve got a toothache.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. You must go to the doctor at once.”


“Don`t afraid! I hope you feel better soon.”



5.Выполни грамматический тест (выбери пропущенное слово):

1). Pete usually … sister with her lessons. (help, helps, is helping)

2). Look! Somebody … in the river. (swim, swims, is swimming)

3). She … a lot of friends. (has, have, will)