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4. Придумай пропущенные в диалоге реплики. Прочитай диалог в паре с преподавателем.


“First Aid here. What happened?”


“Name and age?”




“A car will arrive in ten minutes.”


5.Выполни грамматический тест (выбери пропущенное слово):

1). Mary has got a nice house. … house is very comfortable. (our, their, her)

2). You … visit a doctor twice a year! (should, may, can)

3).What … you reading now? (is, be, are)

ГАОУ СПО НСО «Искитимский медицинский техникум»

Дисциплина Английский язык

Специальность 060101 Лечебное дело

Рассмотрено на Протокол №________

заседании ЦМК

общеобразовательных от______________2013


Председатель комиссии


Билет №4.

  1. Сделай литературный перевод текста профессиональной направленности.


A ten-year-old boy was hospitalized for a moderate knee infection which developed from a scratch incurred while playing. His father took him to the hospital and left him.

In spite of immediate response to antibiotic therapy and prognosis of uneventful recovery, this child demonstrated anxiety in his behavior.

It turned out that he was constantly preoccupied with the fear that his leg was going to be cut off. He pointed to the fact that he could not walk on that leg, that it was swollen and red. Therefore, he decided that it was going to be cut off.

He brought out his fears to his father who communicated this information to the surgical personnel attending him.

The latter then reassured the child by explaining to him carefully and in detail the nature of his illness, the means by which it was being combatted, and the visible evidence for his good prognosis.

The child was relieved.

Behavior- поведение

  1. Ответь на вопросы по содержанию текста.

  1. What was the matter with the boy?

  2. Why was the boy afraid very much?

  3. Was the child recovered?

3.Напиши эссе о своей профессии (5-10 предложений).

  1. Придумай пропущенные в диалоге реплики. Прочитай диалог в паре с преподавателем.

“What’s the matter with you, sonny, where does it hurt?”


“Where is the pain?”


“You have caught a cold. Take……….. . Have …………….. and go to bed.”

5.Выполни грамматический тест (выбери пропущенное слово):

1). There … a table in the centre of the room. (are, is, am)

2). He can dance samba perfectly, … he? (can`t, doesn`t, isn`t)

3). I like to drink Coke very … . (many, much, lot)

ГАОУ СПО НСО «Искитимский медицинский техникум»

Дисциплина Английский язык

Специальность 060101 Лечебное дело

Рассмотрено на Протокол №________

заседании ЦМК

общеобразовательных от______________2013


Председатель комиссии


Билет №5.

  1. Сделай литературный перевод текста профессиональной направленности.


A four and a half year old boy, hospitalized for six weeks because of third degree burns.

With the aid of special attention, he became quite aware of the progress of his recovery and took an active interest in each step of his treatment.

Because of a great need in beds for new patients, he was discharged rather suddenly. When his mother appeared for the regular afternoon visit, she told him he was allowed to go home.

To the amazement of his mother, he refused to go home saying that if he went home at this time his improvement would progress no further and he would always remain in his present state.

When it was explained to him that “his new skin could grow back at home, just as well as it grew in the hospital, that he would be coming back every week to see his doctors, and that the visiting nurse and his mother could help him with the exercises that made his legs grow strong”, he agreed to leave the hospital.

  1. Составь 2-3 вопроса по содержанию текста.

  1. Напиши эссе о своих планах на будущее (5-10 предложений).