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ГАОУ СПО НСО «Искитимский медицинский техникум»

Дисциплина Английский язык

Специальность 060101 Лечебное дело

Рассмотрено на Протокол №________

заседании ЦМК

общеобразовательных от______________2013


Председатель комиссии


Билет №1.

  1. Сделай литературный перевод текста профессиональной направленности.


A man, aged 30 years, who had always been in good health, fell ill with fever, vomiting and sharp abdominal pains. He decided to consult a physician and went to the dispensary. When he came there the pains in the right abdomen became very severe. The doctor who saw him at the dispensary diagnosed acute appendicitis and immediately sent him to the hospital. The surgeon who was on duty that day took him into the operating-room at once.

The doctor’s assistant gave the anaesthetics, and the operation began. It lasted half an hour. After the operation when the nurses brought him to the ward, he fell asleep and slept for some hours. When he woke up he no longer felt any bad pain and looked much better.

In the morning when the surgeon was making his daily round he examined the patient and found him in a good condition. The pulse was normal and of good tension.

The patient kept the bed for five days, then he began to walk about. On the seventh day the sutures were removed and ten days after the operation the man was discharged from the hospital.

  1. Составь план текста по-английски.

  1. Заполни резюме.

  1. Name

  1. Patronimic name

  1. Family name

  1. Date of birth

  1. Address

  1. Telephone number

  1. Education

  1. Skills and interests

  1. Придумай пропущенные в диалоге реплики. Прочитай диалог в паре с преподавателем.

Doctor: Who is the next?

Patient: Good day, doctor.

Doctor: Come in, please. Sit down. ……………..

Patient: I keep feeling dizzy and I’ve got a headache. Maybe I’ve got a fever?

Doctor: ………………. Show me your throat. You have a sore throat.

Patient: Yes, it’s difficult for me to swallow and to breathe.

Doctor: I should feel your pulse. …………

Patient: What should I do?

Doctor: ……………

Patient: Thank you, doctor. Good-bye.

  1. Выполни грамматический тест (выбери пропущенное слово):

1). We … going to the cinema. (is, are, was)

2). Have you a grandmother? – Yes, I … . (does, has, have)

3). He …exams next year. (will take, took, taken)

ГАОУ СПО НСО «Искитимский медицинский техникум»

Дисциплина Английский язык

Специальность 060101 Лечебное дело

Рассмотрено на Протокол №________

заседании ЦМК

общеобразовательных от______________2013


Председатель комиссии


Билет №2.

  1. Сделай литературный перевод текста профессиональной направленности.


In February 1957, a woman, aged 40 years, was attended at the Ear, Nose and Throat Out-patient Department. She stated that one month previously, she had had a sore throat for which she had gone to the doctor. He found a large swelling on the right side of the soft palate. He diagnosed it as a tumor and sent her for further advice to her local hospital.

While examining the patient the doctor observed a firm smooth swelling on the right side of the face. The swelling was about the size of a walnut and was continuous with another swelling that could be palpated in the neck. However, one could not notice any gross external projection. An incision made through the palate showed an encapsulated firm tumor.

The operation was absolutely necessary. Both the external and the internal tumors were removed. The operation though not very simple was uneventful. The wounds healed soundly, the patient recovered and remained free from further trouble.

Walnut – грецкий орех

  1. Выпиши из текста тезисы (основные мысли).

  1. Заполни анкету пациента.

Close relatives.

  1. Are your parents dead or alive?

  1. How old are they?

  1. What was the cause of the death? What age did they die?

  1. What diseases do\ did your parents suffer?

  1. Придумай пропущенные в диалоге реплики. Прочитай диалог в паре с преподавателем.

Patient: Thank you.

Doctor: That cough sounds really very bad. How long have you had it?

Patient: ……………

Doctor: I think I should listen to your chest and lungs. Take off your shirt. Breathe in deeply; and again, please; and once more, please. Sit down. You can put on your shirt. I’m going to take your blood pressure. ………………..It’s normal. I think you’ve got a bad cold.

Patient: What should I do?

Doctor: I’ll describe you some medicine. It’s nothing serious but you’d better …………… Take the medicine regularly, three times a day. Drink ………………

Patient: Thank you very much, doctor. Good-bye.

  1. Выполни грамматический тест (выбери пропущенное слово):

1). Ann … English very well. (speak, speaks, speaking)

2). My friend … already come back home. (have, has, does)

3). She … injections yesterday evening. (gives, giving, gave)

ГАОУ СПО НСО «Искитимский медицинский техникум»

Дисциплина Английский язык

Специальность 060101 Лечебное дело

Рассмотрено на Протокол №________

заседании ЦМК

общеобразовательных от______________2013


Председатель комиссии


Билет №3.

1. Сделай литературный перевод текста профессиональной направленности.


A 44-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of carcinoma of the middle esophagus. X-rays showed an esophageal defect starting 4 cm below the aortic arch for a distance of 2 cm. The operation was performed on December 26, 1959, under general anaes-thesia.

Postoperative course including body temperature, pulse rate and respiration was smooth.

The patient was allowed to take soft meals by mouth on the seventh postoperative day and walk about on the tenth day.

X-ray examination of the esophagus and stomach performed on the second week showed no obstruction of the esophagus. Peristaltic waves were weak, but good passage of barium was noted. The size of the stomach was normal and good peristalsis was observed.

He gained weight. After discharge from the hospital, he returned to his previous job in good condition, but seven months later he died suddenly from bleeding into the trachea caused by recurrence of carcinoma.

2. Выпиши основную идею текста.

3. Напиши эссе о своей семье (5-10 предложений).