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13. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. Он попросил меня никому об этом не рассказывать.

  2. Она посоветовала мне не есть так много сладостей.

  3. Марта напомнила мне, чтобы я купил продукты по дороге домой.

  4. Он ей сказал, чтобы она не запирала дверь.

  5. Хозяйка квартиры предупредила нас, что мы должны платить за квартиру вовремя.

  6. Мы его предупредили, чтобы он нас не ждал.

  7. Доктор попросил их не будить больного.

  8. Секретарь настоял на том, чтобы они не отправляли письма.

  9. Мой приятель предложил, чтобы мы сходили на вечеринку.

  10. Она предложила нам провести день за городом.

  11. Доктор посоветовал мне поехать на юг.

  12. Она предложила перевести для нас статью.

  13. Мы ему сказали, чтобы он пришел к пяти часам.

  14. Полицейский приказал водителю следовать за белой машиной.

  15. Жена попросила меня уделять ей больше времени.

Unit 6 modals in reported speech

1. There are changes in the verb tenses of some modal verbs in Reported Speech:

will/shall would, can could (present) / would be able to (future), may might, shall should (asking for advice) or would (asking for information), must must / had to (obligation) (must remains the same when it expresses possibility or deduction).

2. Would, could, used to, mustn’t, should, ought to and had better remain the same.

E x e r c i s e s

1. Turn the following sentences into Reported Speech.

  1. “How shall I tell Tom the bad news?” she said.

  2. “You must try my home-made pie,” she said.

  3. “Can I go home now?” he asked her.

  4. “May I call you by your first name?” he asked.

  5. “You can come in, but you mustn’t make any noise,” she said to him.

  6. “What time shall we arrive in London?” he asked.

  7. “She must try harder if she wants to succeed,” he said.

  8. “My father will be angry with me if he finds out,” she said.

  9. “You ought not to drive so fast,” he said to him.

  10. “They don’t have to come if they don’t feel like it,” he said.

  11. “You had better speak to the manager,” she said to him.

  12. “I may not be able to meet you at the airport,” he said to her.

  13. “You must be very tired, you look so pale,” she said to him.

  14. “How many instruments can you play, Natasha?” he asked.

  15. “Shall I show you the way?” he asked.

  16. “You’d better sit down,” she said.

  17. “You must report to me every day,” the boss told her.

  18. “I won’t be able to come to the meeting,” he said to them.

  19. “You don’t have to do all the work yourself,” she said.

  20. “Susan may know the address,” he said.

2. Open the brackets. Use the appropriate verb form.

  1. She asked if she (can) have some more tea.

  2. He said that he (must) go to Plymouth the following day.

  3. He said that after the lecture he (have to) rush home.

  4. Father said that Tom (must) work harder next term.

  5. My employer said that I (not need) to come to work the next day.

  6. She said that she (have to) drive his pigs out of her garden.

  7. He said that he (can) speak six languages fluently.

  8. He said he (can not) come to the meeting on Friday.

  9. He asked if they (may) go swimming that day.

  10. He told me that I (not have to) do all the work myself.

  11. He inquired if he (shall) consult the lawyer in that situation.

  12. They said that they (will not) be there next September.

  13. He wanted to know if he (may) give me a ring the following day.

  14. My parents said that we (must) be in bed by nine.

  15. The boss told Laura that she (have to) get to work on time.