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1. Mrs Smith is giving her cleaner instructions about what to do for the day. Report them.

  1. “Clean the bathroom.”

  2. “Make the beds.”

  3. “Don’t forget to tidy the bedroom.”

  4. “Feed the dogs.”

  5. “Sweep the kitchen floor.”

  6. “Don’t leave the rubbish in the kitchen.”

  7. “Remember to water the plants.”

  8. “Do the washing up.”

  9. “Hoover the sitting room.”

  10. “Don’t let anyone into the house.”

2. Report the following using an appropriate introductory verb from the box below.

advise, suggest, order, tell, beg, remind, offer, insist, ask,

command, invite

  1. “You should take more exercise,” the doctor said.

  2. “Now go to sleep and stop worrying,” mother said softly.

  3. “Shall I carry your shopping for you?” he said to her.

  4. “Put on your clothes!” she said gruffly.

  5. “Don’t rush into marriage,” Jack said.

  6. “You should get a job and settle down,” she said to him.

  7. “Don’t get dirty in the garden,” she said to Jane.

  8. “You really must get your hair cut,” she said to him.

  9. “Let’s go to Jamaica for our holiday,” he said to her.

  10. “I think you should go on a diet,” she said to him.

  11. “You are probably run down. You need a holiday,” Clarissa said.

  12. “Please, stop making that noise! I can’t concentrate,” she told her children.

  13. “Don’t take my ring. It was a present,” she said to him.

  14. “You should relax more,” the doctor said to him.

  15. “Leave now or I’ll phone the police,” she said to the salesman.

  16. “Why don’t we have chicken for dinner?” he said.

  17. “You should consult a lawyer,” he said.

  18. “Please, please let me go out to play, Mum,” she said.

  19. “Will you have dinner with me?” he asked.

  20. “Don’t forget to phone me back later,” she told him.

  21. “Don’t be shy of telling them what you think,” she said.

3. First read, then report what the teacher told the students before the exam.

  1. Please, leave your bags at the front of the door.

  2. Don’t talk during the exam.

  3. Raise your hand if you need anything.

  4. Write all your answers in pen.

  5. Answer all the questions.

  6. Don’t forget to write your name at the top of the page.

  7. Check your answers again before you hand the paper in.

  8. Tie the sheets together.

  9. Don’t take any paper out of the room.

  10. Please, leave quietly when you finish.

4. Change the following direct commands into reported commands using the verbs: tell, order, ask, beg, advise, remind, warn, etc.

  1. “Switch off the radio,” he said to her.

  2. “Come closer to me,” she said.

  3. “ Fill in the application form, please,” the secretary said.

  4. “Obey my orders,” the commander said.

  5. “Do it as I say, Mary,” he said.

  6. “Don’t be late for dinner,” she said.

  7. “It’s time to buy a new house,” he said.

  8. “Don’t drive too fast. It’s dangerous,” she said.

  9. “Come to the theatre with me,” he asked her.

  10. “Don’t argue with me,” the teacher said to the boy.

  11. “Don’t lend him money,” he advised her.

  12. “Pay at the cash desk,” the salesman told the customer.

  13. “Remember to phone me as soon as you get there,” she said.

  14. “Think well before you do it,” the doctor warned her.

  15. “Do whatever you like,” she said to us.

  16. “Don’t leave me now,” she asked him.

  17. “Don’t believe everything he says,” he warned me.

  18. “Get out of my way,” he said furiously.

  19. “Don’t look at me like that,” she said.

  20. “Do it right now,” he said to me.