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English II Semestr.doc
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IV. Answer the following questions.

1. What are computers used for?

2. How can computers be classified?

3. What is the fastest class of computers?

4. What computers are much more versatile?

5. What do analog computers operate on?

6. Where are analog computers used in?

7. What does the hybrid computer offer?

8. What do computers vary widely in?

V. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1. Minicomputers can be used simultaneously by many people.

2. Digital computers operate on continuous variables.

3. Mainframes often contain complex arrays of processors.

4. General-purpose computers are much more versatile because they can accept new sets of instructions.

5. Supercomputers can perform nearly 32 billion calculations per minute.

VI. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following Ukrainian word-combinations.

атомна електростанція, звичайне диференціальне рівняння, комп’ютер спеціального призначення, системотехніка, незалежний комп’ютер, може забезпечувати одночасну роботу багатьох користувачів, конденціонування повітря, кутове положення, як наслідок, виконувати послідовність операцій, багато процесорів, величини, що неперервно змінюються, вприскування палива, вміститись в портфелі, проводити широкомасштабний бухгалтерський облік, багато різноманітних завдань, людська уява, комутаційне поле, логарифмічна лінійка

VII. Which words in the text have the same meaning as?

make/do, dedicated, keep/hold, clocks, important, information, feature, propose, broadly, named, vary, general, kind, use, velocity, big, quick, at the same time, every, differ, for instance

VIII. Here are the answers, make out the questions.

1. an electronic device;

2. in different electronic products;

3. a host of varied tasks;

4. of analog and digital systems;

5. by government agencies and large research centers;

6. digital, analog and hybrid computers;

7. the analysis of network.

IX. Choose the correct form of the verb or the correct preposition.

1. A computer is an electronic device that _____ a list of instructions to perform calculations.

a) use

b) are used

c) is used

d) uses

2. Special-purpose computers _____ to perform specific tasks.

a) are designed

b) are to design

c) are designing

d) will be designed

3. Special purpose computers can be _____ in thousands of electronic products.

a) find

b) finding

c) founded

d) found

4. Minicomputers _____ to handle extensive accounting, billing, etc.

a) are used

b) will have been used

c) is used

d) was used

5. The results of these arithmetic and logic operations are translated into characters that can be readily _____ by the human operator.

a) understand

b) understanding

c) understood

d) understands

6. Most CPU chips and microprocessors _____ four functional sections.

a) has

b) will have

c) had

d) have

7. Digital computers can _____ programmed to perform a host of varied tasks.

a) to be

b) be

c) have been

d) being

8. The hybrid computer _____ the characteristics and advantages of analog and digital systems.

a) combines

b) will be combined

c) is combining

d) combine


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