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National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”…………….…..



Science in Ukraine…………………………………………..……



From the History of Computers…………………………………..



What is a Computer?......................................................................



Economic-Technological Development and Ecology Problems…



Pollution in Ukraine………………………………………………



Automation and Labour………………………………………….



Automatic Control………………………………………………..



Ukraine is a Highly Industrialized Country………………………



Great Britain – the first country to become highly industrialized..


Appendix 1. ………………...………….…………………………………..…

Appendix 2. …………………………………………………………………..




Task 1.

List the faculties of the NTUU “KPI” you know. What faculty do you study at? Give some arguments for your choice. What are your first impressions of your studying here?

Task 2.

Working in group discuss the properties a person should have for entering the University. Present your thoughts in a few words.

Task 3.

Before reading the text pay attention to the pronunciation of the letter ‘c’:

  1. centre, city, cybernetics, exceed, device, science, civil, facilities, certificate, physicist, decease, ;

  2. country, education, faculty, college, co-operation, computing, complex, economy, contracts, care, physics, according;

  3. special, specialists, specialities, specializations, academician, physician, artificial.

Task 4.

You are going to read about NTUU “KPI”. Seven sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences (A-H) the one which fits each gap (1-7). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (1).

  1. NTUU “KPI” education meets the standards of the world-known universities at a reasonable tuition fee.

  2. Many students go in for different kinds of sport according to their liking.

  3. Its first president was Academician Vernadsky.

  4. 70% of the NTUU “KPI” teachers have scientific degrees.

  5. Our University also takes care of students’ leisure for a well-organized leisure is a very important factor in bringing up young specialists.

  6. The first enrolment constituted 360 students.

  7. Many students are accommodated in 21 hostels.

  8. It is well known not only in our country but abroad as well.

The National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnic Institute” (NTUU “KPI”) is one of the oldest and biggest higher educational institutions in Ukraine. 1. ___H___.

This University is situated not far from the centre of the city in a beautiful shady park. At present the number of students in the NTUU “KPI” exceeds 50000. They obtain qualifications on more than 70 specialties. There are 19 educational faculties, 5 educational-research institutes, 15 research institutes and 6 engineering centers in the NTUU “KPI”.

Among them there is the Department of information and computing technique that trains students in such fields of technology as: cybernetics, automation, computing technique. Electric power engineering and automation department trains specialists in electrical networks and electric systems, power plants, high voltage technique, cybernetics of electrical systems. At the Radio-engineering department young people get diploma of the designers of the radio-electric devices. At the Physics-engineering department students will become metallurgists and specialists studying metals and alloys, powder metallurgy and others.

The NTUU “KPI” graduates work at numerous enterprises and research institutions all over the country and abroad.

The teaching staff of our institute consists of highly qualified teachers, professors and scientists. 2. _______. Among them there are academicians and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences, professors, and merited scientists.

Training of full-time students lasts 5 years and 6 months, of tuition by correspondence - 5 years 10 months. 3. _______. 3 of them are at the disposal of married students. So, almost all non-Kyiv students are provided with hostel facilities.

The Institute was founded in 1898. It had only four departments: mechanical, chemical, agricultural and civil engineering ones. 4. _______.

The first rector of the Institute was Professor V.L. Kirpichov, an outstanding Russian scientist in the field of mechanics and strength of materials.

Some Institutes were organized on the NTUU “KPI” basis. Among them are: the Civil Engineering Institute, Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, the Institute of Civil Aviation, Automobile and Road Building Institute, Agricultural (now Agricultural Academy) and others. In 1934 - 1944 the KPI was called an Industrial Institute.

A large number of prominent people worked and studied at the KPI: E. O. Paton, the founder of electric welding; M. L. Konovalov, a well-known chemist; L. P. Bardin, the greatest metallurgist in the country; A. M. Luylka, the chief of aeroplane engines and S. P. Korolyov, the great designer of spaceships. President of the First Examining Board in chemistry faculty was Dmitry Mendeleyev.

Scientists of the University are engaged in researching up to date trends of the contemporary development of the human society, as follows:

  • Monitoring and protection of environment;

  • Liquidation of consequences of nuclear and technological disasters;

  • Development of up to date technologies;

  • Information networks and development of information telecommunication technologies;

  • Aircraft and space technologies;

  • Problems of energy saving and development of energy saving technologies;

  • Exploration and use of human resources and others.

A number of new economic and humanitarian faculties - Management and Marketing, Law, Sociology, Linguistics, Sports Training, were formed besides traditional technical faculties. They revealed opportunities for young people to obtain besides technical specialties, the second higher education in humanities or economic field and to become qualified interpreter or manager. 5. _______. The University has its Preparatory Department where foreign entrants, within 10 months course study Ukrainian, Russian, English, Mathematics, Physics, Biology and other subjects in the scope that is necessary for further mastering of the university program.

The most active international scientific and technological co-operation is carried out by the departments of the University with the partners from Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Denmark, Lebanon etc. Lately the relations with China, USA, Italy, Vietnam, and Spain have become more active. The University carries out the student’s exchange program according to the agreements on collaboration.

The University has at its disposal a decease-prevention centre for employers and students. 6. _______.

The Knowledge square becomes the centre of the whole NTUU “KPI” complex. It has about 105x100m. Meetings, festivals, consecration into students take place here. In summer the square is decorated with lamps, fountains, flowerbeds.

Great importance is attached to the development of physical culture at our University. There are many sport grounds, football field, volleyball and basketball courts at students’ disposal. 7. _______. It helps them to keep their body healthy and strong. There are lots of rated athletes among the students of the NTUU “KPI”. The names of many of them are well known all over the country.

Task 5.

Find in the text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations:

вищий навчальний заклад, тінистий парк, отримувати кваліфікацію, перевищувати, науково-дослідний інститут, випускники, численні підприємства, викладацький склад, науковий ступінь, студенти денної форми навчання, заочне навчання, бути заснованим, перший набір, ректор, опір матеріалів, електрозварювання, екзаменаційна комісія, сучасні напрямки, захист довкілля, наслідки, інформаційні мережі, енергозбереження, людські ресурси, відкривати можливості, відповідати стандартам, підготовче відділення, співпраця, програма обміну студентами, угоди про співробітництво, мати в розпорядженні, дозвілля, виховання, відбуватись, посвячення в студенти.

Task 6.

Make up word combinations from the following words and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. teaching

a) institution

2. numerous

b) engine

3. outstanding scientist

c) metallurgy

4. educational

d) athlete

5. aeroplane

e) enterprises

6. powder

f) scientist

7. rated

g) technique

8. measuring

h) staff

Task 7.

Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian:

one of the oldest and biggest, abroad, to be situated, to exceed, to obtain qualification on, research institute, NTUU “KPI” graduates, numerous enterprises, teaching staff, highly qualified, scientific degrees, corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences, full-time students, tuition by correspondence, to be accommodated in, married students, to be provided with, to be founded, enrolment, mechanics and strength of materials, the founder of electric welding; metallurgist, engine, designer of spaceships, to be engaged in researching, human society, protection of environment, up to date technologies, energy saving, exploration of human resources, to reveal opportunities, higher education, to meet the standards, foreign entrants, to carry out, agreements on collaboration, to have at disposal, decease-prevention centre, to take care, well-organized leisure, bringing up young specialists, consecration into students, to take place, to go in for different kinds of sport, rated athletes.

Task 8.

Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. В КПІ студенти отримують кваліфікацію за багатьма спеціальностями.

  2. Випускники КПІ стають знавцями в різних галузях: кібернетика, комп’ютерні технології, інженерія, металургія та інше.

  3. Студенти вчаться 5 років і 6 місяців та живуть в гуртожитках.

  4. В інституті працюють видатні науковці та спеціалісти.

  5. Багато студентів КПІ приїхали з різних країн Європи, Африки та Азії.

  6. Щорічно КПІ підписує угоди та договори з іноземними партнерами.

  7. Кафедри проводять науково-дослідну роботу.

  8. Багато відомих спортсменів навчались в КПІ.

Task 9.

Put the verb to be in the necessary form:

1. I _____ the freshman.

2. She _____ very diligent student.

3. Studying at the NTUU _____ hard and interesting task for all students.

4. Our students _____ proud of their University.

5. We _____ the champions in the sphere of knowledge.

6. There _____ a book on the table.

7. There _____ two measuring devices.

8. There _____ an article about atoms and two scientific works.

Task 10.

Put the following words into correct order to make sentences:

1. educational, one, Ukraine, of, higher, the oldest, is, The, institutions, in, KPI.

2. the rector, executive, head, The, a university, of, is.

3. academic, highest, Philosophy, is, the Doctor, The, of, degree.

4. KPI, studied, of, people, at the, number, A, large, prominent.

Task 11. Answer the following questions:

  1. When was the Institute founded?

  2. How many departments did the Institute have? Enumerate them.

  3. Who was the first rector of the Institute?

  4. Who was the President of the First Examining Board?

  5. What Institutes were organized on the KPI basis?

Task 12.

Make up 10 questions about present-day NTUU “KPI”.

Task 13.

A school leaver is going to enter a University or an Institute and asks for your advice. Tell him about NTUU “KPI”. Don’t forget about the following:

  • The place of the NTUU “KPI” among the higher educational institutions of Ukraine;

  • Faculties and Institutes of the University;

  • Career opportunities for the University graduates.

Task 14.

You are going to take part in the students’ international conference “Modern Education”. Write a report on the topic “National Technical University of Ukraine”.

The following information can be included:

  • The foundation of KPI.

  • The present day status of KPI.

  • What famous people worked and studied in KPI?

  • Buildings, hostels, sport facilities.

  • The international scientific and technological co-operation of the University.

Words and word combinations to be memorized:


за кордоном

aircraft technology

авіаційна технологія






галузь, підрозділ



computing technique

обчислювальна техніка


наслідок, результат

contemporary development

сучасний розвиток



decease-prevention centre

поліклініка, профілакторій



electric welding





абітурієнт, новачок, відвідувач

to exceed



дослідження, вивчення

healthy and strong

здоровий і сильний

higher educational institution

вищий освітній заклад



metals and alloys

метали і сплави

to obtain


powder metallurgy

порошкова металургія

radio-electric devices

радіо електричні прилади



research institution

дослідницький інститут

scientific degree

науковий ступінь

to sign


strength of materials

міцність матеріалів

up to date trends

сучасні напрямки



Task 1.

List the famous Ukrainian scientists you know. Combine your list with the others in your group and discuss their role in the development of science in Ukraine?

Task 2.

What sciences do you prefer to study? Why? Present you opinion in a few words.

Task 3.

Before reading the text pay attention to the pronunciation of the letter ‘g’:

  1. suggest, geological, emergence, mineralogist, geochemistry, geologist, large, bridge, engineering, technologies, metallurgy, energy, digital, engine;

  2. slag, gradual, group, organization, significant, gas, recognize, grow, great, big, global, begin, integral, goods, manganese, grain, agriculture;

  3. design, sign, foreign, highly, light, tight, night.

Task 4.

You are going to read about science in Ukraine. Seven sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences (A-H) the one which fits each gap (1-7). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (1).

  1. The most prominent philosopher in Ukraine in the 18-th century was H.Skovoroda.

  2. British science has a lot of innovations, too.

  3. Numerous important researches have been conducted in Ukraine.

  4. Together with Oleksander Fersman he was the first to suggest the use of radioactivity in studying geological processes.

  5. A fundamentally new and highly efficient method of raising the quality of special steels and alloys, the electro-slag re-melting method has been devised in Ukraine under the direction of B. Paton.

  6. The first electronic computing machine in Europe was designed by our countryman S. Lebedev in 1951.

  7. Scientific achievements not only crystallise productive experience, but are also precursors of natural production.

  8. He is also considered to be the father of electronic welding.

The emergence of science as a system of knowledge of the laws of development of nature and society was preceded by a long period of gradual accumulation of the practical experience of men and the development of their thinking. 1. G .

The Academy of Sciences of Ukraine which up to 1956 was called the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, is the highest scientific institution of Ukraine. In the autumn of 1918 group of well-known scientists, headed by V.Vernadsky, elaborated a project for the organization of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, which was realised in 1919. Its first president was Academician Vernadsky. He was a prominent naturalist, mineralogist, the founder of geochemistry and biochemistry, the creator of the biosphere theory. 2._______. He was also the first to estimate the age of the most ancient elements of the Earth surface as being 4.5 billion years old.

A significant event in the cultural life of Ukraine was the institution of the Kiev-Mohila College in 1652, which was converted into an academy in 1701. In the 18th century the Kyivo-Mohyla Academy was the main scientific centre of Ukraine whose most famous representatives of that time were N. Maksymovich and O. Shumlyansky. 3. _______. He dreamed of a society based on principles of social equality and democracy.

Ukraine has contributed many outstanding scientists to the world. The 19th and 20th centuries produced such outstanding scientists as the mathematicians M.Ostrogradsky and A. Pohorelov, the linguists O. Bodynsky, A. Potebnya, the historians V. Antonovich, M. Hrushevsky and D. Bahaliy, the orientalist A.Krumsky, the geologist P. Tutkovsky, the physicians V. Obraztsov, M. Strazhesko, V. Filatov, the lawyer M. Vasylenko and many others.

Ukrainians are also proud of the fact that only several months after the nucleus of the atom was split by the English physicists G. Cockroft and E. Walton in 1932, the same result was achieved in one of the laboratories of Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology headed by I. Kurchatov and A. Ioffe. Nobel Prize laureate Academician Lev Landau worked in Kharkiv for many years, heading the Institute of Physics and Technology. Another Nobel Prize laureate Ilya Mechnikov was born in Kharkiv region, studied in Kharkiv National University and worked there for a long time. 4. _______. The famous astronomer Academician Mykola Barabashov made significant discoveries concerning Mars, Moon and Venus. Ukrainian scientists made their contribution into the development of space explorations. The Southern Machine Building plant and Kharkiv “Khartron” designed and launched hundreds of artificial Earth satellites including the famous “Zenith”.

The large body of scientists of Ukraine has contributed greatly to the development of world science. 5. _______. Among the results of such researches are: the development of the first computers in the former USSR, important advances in the field of electric welding, cybernetics, the technology and organisations of industrial production of artificial diamonds. Achievements in geological science and the application of new techniques in geological prospecting in Ukraine have led to the discovery of payable oil and gas deposits that has made it possible to supply gas to most of the large cities and many populated areas of the Republic and to increase its power resources. Ukrainian science develops through mutual enrichment with the experience of the scientific centres of different countries.

Ukrainian scientists have made significant contribution to the development of aerodynamics, the theory of mechanisms and machines, automatic control, filtration theory. Large scale research in mechanics was and is being carried on at university departments in Kiev and Lviv and at polytechnic institutes in Kiev and Odessa.

The world famous Ukrainian scientists are Volodymir Vernadsky and Yevhen and Boris Patons. Yevhen Paton was an outstanding Ukrainian constructor, famous for his contribution in bridge-building and welding. He studied Engineering in Dresden (Germany) and St. Petersburg, and in 1904 became a professor of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute where he headed the bridge-testing laboratory. Evhen Paton designed over 35 bridges, including the famous bridge across the Dnipro River that was named after him. 6. _______. Systematic and fundamental work in the field of electric welding in the Ukraine was started by this eminent scientist on whose initiative the Institute of electric welding was organized in 1954. The institute was universally recognized as one of the centres of world welding science. Work on different problems of welding is carried out by B.Paton, V.Lebedev, B.Medovar, A. Makara and others.

The Institute of Electric Welding the director of which Evhen Paton had been till his very death, developed his theory and mastered the highly productive hidden welding technique which is used world-wide. His son Boris succeeded him and became an outstanding scientist, too. For many years he headed the institute founded by his father and was the President of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. 7. _______. The Ukrainian Institute of Electronic Welding and the American aviation and space firm “Pratt and Wiltny” established a joint research centre and an enterprise to develop the technologies of new materials, using the technique of speed electronic beam evaporation and vacuum condensation. They also founded a joint venture “Paton-Weld” to develop the Ukrainian metal-non-metal, ceramic, and to market them in the USA and other countries.

Research in special alloy and powder metallurgy was started in Ukraine in the mid 19-th century at the Kharkiv and later at the Kiev Polytechnic Institutes.

Great achievements of the Ukrainian school of science are highly appreciated and recognized all the world over.

Task 5.

Find in the text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations:

система знань, поступове накопичення, наукові досягнення, передвісник, біохімія, значна подія культурного життя, земна поверхня, головний науковий центр, видатні представники, пишатися, співвітчизник, штучний супутник, зварювання, автоматичне управління, спільне підприємство, порошкова металургія.

Task 6.

Translate the following English words and word combinations into Ukrainian:

emergence of science, the laws of development of nature and society, to crystallise productive experience, to elaborate a project, the creator of the biosphere theory, the Earth surface, significant event, society based on principles of social equality and democracy, to design and launch satellites, large body of scientists, the field of electric welding, cybernetics, industrial production of artificial diamonds, the father of electronic welding, hidden welding technique, to head, speed electronic beam evaporation, joint venture.

Task 7.

Find in the text antonyms to the following words:

the last, condensation, to decrease, natural, small

Task 8.

Read and translate the following groups of words:

to create – creator, creation, creature, creative, creativity;

to weld – a weld, welder, welding, weldability;

to build – bulder, building, rebuild.

Task 9.

Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1. alloy

a) представник

2. knowledge

b) зварювання

3. powder

c) сплав

4. representative

d) внесок

5. exploration

e) порошок

6. satellite

f) дослідження

7. contribution

g) знання

8. welding

h) супутник

Task 10.

Form the nouns (doer of the action) to the following words according to the model and translate them into Ukrainian:

Model: to listen – listener - слухач

to develop




to found


to research




to produce






to design


to conduct


Task 11.

Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Поступове накопичення практичного досвіду це основа людського розвитку.

  2. В усьому світі використовують досягнення українських науковців у сфері електрозварювання.

  3. Науковці проводять масштабні дослідження в таких галузях, як кібернетика, фізика, порошкова металургія та інші.

  4. Києво-Могилянська Академія стала серцем української науки.

  5. Євген Патон очолював лабораторію тестування мостів.

  6. Науковці детально розробляють все нові і нові проекти.

Task 12.

Put the verbs in parentheses into correct tense form:

1. Scientist ______ (to work) at the laboratory every day.

2. At present more and more forests _____ (to disappear) because of fires.

3. Many people _____ (to recycle) rubbish nowadays.

4. Water ___ (to boil) at 100°C and _____ (to freeze) when the temperature ____ (to drop) below 0°C.

Task 13.

Fill in the table with the names of the Ukrainian scientists and spheres of their research:


Field of research

  1. Yevhen Paton

bridge building, welding

Task 14.

Make up a plan to the text “Science in Ukraine” and get ready to retell it according to the plan.

Task 15.

You are going to take part in the students’ international conference “The Development of Science”. Write a report on the topic “Science in Ukraine”. Make use of the plan in the task 14.

Words and word combinations to be memorized:

to achieve

досягати, отримувати

artificial diamonds

штучні діаманти

to appreciate

високо цінувати, оцінювати



to convert

перетворювати, трансформувати

Earth surface

поверхня землі

to elaborate

детально розробляти



to estimate




gradual accumulation

поступове накопичення

to head


hidden welding technique

технологія прихованого зварювання

joint venture

спільне підприємство

large scale research

великомасштабне дослідження

nucleus of the atom

ядро атома


передвісник, попередник

productive experience

виробничий досвід



significant discoveries

значні відкриття

social equality and democracy

соціальна рівність та демократія

space explorations

дослідження космосу

to split

розщеплювати, роз’єднувати

to supply


system of knowledge

система знань



Task 1.

Write some facts about computer and its history. Combine these with the others in your group and make a short informative report.

Task 2.

Imagine your own computer. What must it do? Present your thoughts in a few words.

Task 3.

Before reading the text pay attention to the pronunciation of the letter ‘s’ at the end of the plurals:

  1. computers, years, numbers, thousands, needs, kinds, spheres, hundreds, schools, lessons, questions, rhymes, games;

  2. notes, ropes, marks, scientists, achievements, components, digits, checks, subjects, experts;

  3. diagnoses, messages, switches, sentences, properties, capabilities.

Task 4.

You are going to read about history of computer. Seven sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from the sentences (A-H) the one which fits each gap (1-7). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (1).

  1. But he never built it.

  2. In their opinion, computers block the imagination and spontaneity of young people.

  3. The educated man of 25 — 30 years ago did not need to know anything about computers.

  4. You can use a computer to write a letter, design a house, draw a picture or exchange messages with someone around the world.

  5. Nearly one hundred and fifty years ago there were no such things as computers.

  6. Every day we hear about new uses of the computer.

  7. There are three kinds of computers: digital, analogue and hybrid.

  8. It used thousands of electrical switches that clicked on and off to compute data.

The educated man of 200 years ago did not need to know anything about science. 1. C . But the educated man of today needs to have some significant knowledge of science and a little significant knowledge about computers.

The computer is no doubt the most amazing achievement of mankind. It is a data storage system created by man. A human tells the machine what to do, when to do it and how it should be done.

The word computer comes from a Latin word which means to count. 2. _______. Knotted ropes, marks in clay, the abacus are all methods of keeping track of numbers.

In 1833 an English inventor and mathematician Charles Babbage, professor of Cambridge University designed the first computer. 3. _______. If Babbage had been able to get enough money to build the computer, the analytical engine would have been as big as a locomotive. It would have been able to store 1,000 50-digit numbers.

During the 70 years following Babbage’s death in 1871, computer scientists improved on Babbage’s original idea. In 1939, Harvard University physicist Howard Aiken built the forerunner of today’s computer. 4. _______. It was much slower than later computers, which use electronic components instead of switches.

In our country the first electronic digital computer MACM was constructed by the Ukrainian Academician S. O. Lebedev in 1950. Such computers as BESM, Minsk, Ural, Razdan-3, M-20, M-220, Nairi-3, Strela, Dniepr were created in our country.

5. ______. An analogue computer computes by using physical analogue of numerical measurements. A digital computer computes by using numbers or digits. A hybrid computer is a machine which combines some of the properties of digital and analogue computers.

Invention of electronic computers is one of the greatest achievements of mankind. The significance of it can be compared with the invention of the steam-engine and the utilisation of atomic energy.

Nowadays computers greatly increase man’s thinking capabilities of planning, analysing, computing and controlling. Hundreds of computers are already in daily use. They penetrate almost into all spheres of our modern society, from nuclear energy production and missile design to the processing of bank checks, weather forecasting, manufacturing, research and medical diagnoses. Computers are everywhere. 6. _______.

Computer technology is a rapidly growing industry. According to the technical experts it is very educational. They say that computers help children to learn much more quickly. In some Japanese elementary schools there are already lessons on using computers. For older children the electronic diary was produced. Many young people in Tokyo use it for taking notes, doing homework, drawing and keeping telephone numbers. There’s also some equipment which is like an electronic teacher. This computer answers questions on all scholastic subjects from biology to geography. At home the computer is becoming a kind of technological grandmother. It sings nursery rhymes, tells fairy stories and helps with homework. But young people’s true passion is videogames. Some experts are alarmed. 7. _______. And there are a lot of videogames which are violent and not educational.

Task 5.

Find in the text English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations:

освічена людина, базові знання, найбільш дивовижне досягнення людства, помітки на глині, винахідник, аналітичний двигун, попередник, комп’ютер змішаного типу, розробка ракет, прогноз погоди, електронний щоденник, для того щоб, найпростіша мова програмування, більш повний, виводити математичні формули, перевага, програмне забезпечення, комп’ютерне обладнання, надзвичайний технологічний розвиток, промислове підприємство, ефективна робота.

Task 6.

Make up word combinations from the following words and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. analytical

a) computer

2. missile

b) knowledge

3. data storage

c) schools

4. elementary

d) engine

5. electronic digital

e) measurements

6. weather

f) system

7. significant

g) design

Task 7.

Translate the following English words and word combinations into Ukrainian:

data storage system, knotted ropes, marks in clay, abacus, keeping track of numbers, as big as a locomotive, the forerunner of today’s computer, exchange messages with someone, rapidly growing industry, a kind of technological grandmother, true passion, to communicate with computer, the first mechanical calculator, a problem oriented high level programming language, a household word, to indicate the degree of modernity, the working out.

Task 8.

Explain the following words and word combinations in English without translation:

computer, knowledge, forerunner, digital computer, PASCAL, software, hardware.

Task 9.

Find in the box the endings to the following words to make up word combinations and translate them into Ukrainian:

1. to get …, 2. to build …, 3. to store …, 4. to improve on …, 5. to compute …, 6. to combine …, 7. to be …, to 8. to penetrate into …, 9. to write …, 10. to design …, 11. to draw …, 12. to take …, 13. to keep …, 14. to answer …, 15. to sing …, 16. to tell …, 17. to help with …, 18. to block ….

a) telephone numbers, b) a picture, c) one of the greatest achievements,

d) data, e) the imagination, f) homework, g) idea, h) notes, i) money,

j) properties, k) nursery rhymes, l) a letter, m) the computer,

n) numbers, o) sphere, p) a house, q) the question, r) fairy story

Task 10.

Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Англійський винахідник першим розробив комп’ютер, але не побудував його.

  2. Існує три типи комп’ютерів, найкращій з них – змішаного типу.

  3. За допомогою комп’ютера ми можемо проводити медичну діагностику та прогнозувати погоду.

  4. Комп’ютерна промисловість швидко розвивається.

  5. Перший цифровий комп’ютер в Україні було розроблено в 1950 році.

  6. Людина широко використовує комп’ютери у всіх сферах життя.

  7. Комп’ютери допомагають дітям вивчати шкільні предмети.

Task 11.

Put questions to the underlined words:

  1. The word computer comes from a Latin word which means to count.

  2. Invention of computers is one of the greatest achievements of mankind.

  3. Experts say that computers help children to learn much more quickly.

  4. A digital computer computes by using numbers or digits.

  5. In our country the first electronic digital computer MACM was constructed by the Ukrainian Academician S. O. Lebedev in 1950.

Task 12.

Put all possible questions to the following sentence and its members:

Computers penetrate into all spheres of our modern society.

Task 13.

Fill in the table with the necessary information:

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