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Gerund - Методическое пособие.doc
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Using the perfect form of gerunds Exercise 44. Read this police report on a witness questioned about a robbery. Fill in the blanks by making gerunds in the perfect form from the verbs given.

Officers Brody and Mendez investigated a robbery that occurred on the night of June 25, at 10 Seacoast Terrace, the home of John and Jane Butler. They questioned Mark Abbott, a family friend and possible suspect. Abbott denied 1. (visit) having visited the Butler house on the night of the robbery. In fact, he regretted 2. (not / be) ____________ there, saying that if he had been, the robbery would never have happened. He admitted 3. (stop by) ____________ there earlier that day. He couldn't recall 4. (see) ____________ anything suspicious at the house. Nor could he remember 5. (meet) ____________ anyone near the house. He mentioned 6. (telephone) ____________ the house that evening, but he said that nobody had answered. Abbott acknowledged 7. (become) ____________ suspicious at that point, since the Butlers had said they would definitely be at home. However; he explained his 8. (not/stop) ____________ by to check the house was because of the lateness of the hour. Officers Brody and Mendez then excused him, believing that he did not commit the robbery.

Using the passive form of gerunds Exercise 45. Complete the sentences using active and passive gerunds.

1. He looked forward to

пригласить гостей

быть приглашенным

послушать этот концерт

чтобы его послушали

наградить победителей соревнований

чтобы его наградили

2. She prefers

рассказывать новости

когда ей рассказывают новости

помогать людям

когда ей помогают

занимать деньги

чтобы ей давали деньги в долг

заботиться о ком-то

чтобы о ней заботились

3. Do you remember

винить кого-то за эту ошибку

что вас винили за эту ошибку

как вы вызывали скорую

как вас увезли на скорой помощи

как вы попали в аварию

как вас сбила машина

4. I don’t mind

поехать в командировку

если меня пошлют в командировку

работать допоздна

чтобы меня попросили поработать допоздна

работать в коллективе

чтобы меня назначили на эту должность

5.He admitted

кражу денег

что его заставили украсть деньги

что звонил мне

что ему звонили

что уволил своего бухгалтера

что его уволили

6. He objected to

делать работу наспех

против того, что ему поручат эту работу

смеяться над людьми

когда над ним смеются

оставить ребенка одного дома

чтобы его оставили одного

Exercise 46. Complete the following article by filling in the blanks with the passive form of gerunds made from the verbs given in parentheses. (Use the verb be in the passive gerunds.)

Soliciting business and money by telephone has become a common practice in the United States. The telephone calls often come during the dinner hour. But people usually don't appreciate 1.(telephone) being telephoned. at home by strangers, especially while they are eating. They resent 2. (bother)._____________ at that time with offers of opportunity to obtain merchandise, to contribute to a charity, or to invest money. 3. (Require) ____________ to respond politely to this kind of telephonic intrusion is too much for many people, who end up by shouting rudely or slamming down the telephone. On the other hand, some people respond enthusiastically to the idea of 4. (have / choose) _____________ for these telephone offers. As some offers are actually frauds however, the importance of 5. (not / fool) ____________by such offers must be emphasized. For example, if a solicitor says, "Your 6. (have / select) _____________ to participate in this offer is a unique opportunity. You must act quickly," the person should be extremely wary.

Here are some tips for dealing with telephone solicitations. Above all, you should avoid 7. (perceive) _____________ as gullible. If you want to invest money, you should know the company well; if not , you risk 8. (cheat) _______________ As long as you don't mind 9. (disturb) _________________ at home in the first place, take the time to ask the telephone solicitor pertinent questions. But you could also respond, as many other people do to the annoyance of 10. (have/solicit) by telephone too often: Just turn off your phone at dinnertime and enjoy a peaceful meal.

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