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America in close-up.doc
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1. Previewing and Anticipation

The American Idea

Try to get a global idea of what the text is about by first looking at the headline, introduction and source. Then quickly read the beginning (first three paragraphs) of the article.

  1. Where, when, and on what occasion was the article published?

  2. Why could the information given about the author be of interest to the reader?

  3. What is meant by "The American Idea" and who was the first to formulate it?

2. Scanning

Now go quickly through the text to extract information to answer the following questions:

  1. Which basic motives of the first European settlers for coming to America are mentioned in the text?

  2. According to Т. Н. White, what was it that made the American volunteers persevere in their revolutionary war against the better-equipped English soldiers?

  3. What would have happened to the colonial leaders if the war had been lost?

  4. Which decisive difference between the American nation and other nations does the author point out?

  5. What does the author want to convey to the reader by writing this article?

3. Comprehension

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Which way of completing each of the following sentences agrees with the text? Some sentences may be completed in more than one way.

1. Arnold Schwarzenegger dreamed of being the best body builder in the world

  1. when he was a little boy.

  2. when he was fifteen.

  3. when he was twenty.

2. He stopped taking part in body-building competitions because

  1. he believed he had won the championship too often already.

  2. he was afraid that he might lose the title if he tried again.

  3. he had no serious competition.

3. According to Arnold Schwarzenegger, America is the country where

  1. nothing can prevent people from fulfilling their dreams

  2. everybody is Number One.

  3. the chances to be economically successful are better than in any other country.

4. Arnold Schwarzenegger became a successful businessman because he

  1. was business-minded.

  2. took courses in English and business.

  3. became a real estate agent.

5. Schwarzenegger maintains that emotions

  1. provide the energy that leads to success.

  2. have to be suppressed if you want to be successful.

  3. prevent you from concentrating on your primary goal of making money.

6. Schwarzenegger thinks that popularity

  1. is the key to success.

  2. has to be subordinated to success.

  3. is as important as being successful.

7. Schwarzenegger believes

  1. that poverty and hunger make people dream of success.

  2. that people should never be content with what they have achieved.

  3. that hungry people are dreamers unable to achieve anything.

Florence Scala

Which of the following statements are true and which are false according to the information given in the text? Correct the false statements.

  1. When Florence Scala was young she did not 'believe in the American Dream.

  2. As a small girl she was afraid of school because she could not speak English.


  1. When Florence Scala thinks of her childhood, nostalgic memories come to her mind.

  2. Her parents worked for a tailor who lived on the same street.

  3. They were afraid that their children might turn into hooligans.

  4. During the trade union wars in the cleaning industry her father went on strike.

  5. Her father avoided getting involved in the fights that took place in the neighborhood.

  6. Her father was unusually well-educated.

  7. He never really had the time to fulfill his dream of going to the Grand Canyon.

  1. Her parents were somewhat prejudiced against black people.

  2. Today the community she grew up in has changed a lot.

  3. Looking back on her efforts to save the neighborhood, Florence Scala now thinks she wasted her energy.

  4. Florence Scala thinks that the American Dream promotes selfish attitudes.

  5. She believes that technical progress has led to a less humane world.

4. Evaluation

Use the following scale to determine to what extent Arnold Schwarzenegger, Florence Scala and her parents would agree or disagree with the following statements. How do you feel about these statements?

strong agreement agreement undecided disagreement strong disagreement

  1. All people are given equal opportunity in life.

  2. Everybody has a chance to succeed if he or she only works hard enough.

  3. Money and material wealth are what matters most in life.

  4. Winning in competitions is one of the most important things in life.

  5. Self-reliance is more important than concern for others.

  6. Being popular is as important as material success.

5. Comment on a Cartoon

Comment on the following cartoon and show how it relates to the American Dream. Give the cartoon a title.



Reproduced by permission of United FeatureSyndicate, Inc.


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