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America in close-up.doc
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1. Text Analysis

A Brother's Murder

  1. This text comes from a special section of the New York Times Magazine. How does its style differ from the style you normally find in magazine reports?

  2. What may have been Brent Staple's motives for writing this article?

  3. Show how the author's biography is woven into the account of his brother's life and death.

  4. Describe how the author conveys to the reader that his brother's tragic end was almost inevitable.

  5. The author compares Blake Staple's world of violence, crime and aggression with his own much more secure and peaceful way of living. Find the words and expressions he uses to indicate this contrast.

2. Global Comprehension

Arming Citizens to Fight Crime

Which of the following statements about the text is correct? In some cases more than one answer is possible. Give reasons for your decisions.

1. In this text the author

  1. presents an objective discussion of the question of gun control.

  2. argues in favor of gun control.

  3. opposes the idea of gun control.

2. According to Frank Borzellieri, New York's gun laws

  1. have improved the protection of citizens.

  2. have at least made the janitors feel safer at work.

  3. have made criminal activities less difficult.

3. The author quotes Bernhard Goetz

  1. in order to reveal the inconsistency of Goetz's defense.

  2. to point out the inconsistencies in Mayor Koch's statements.

  3. to back his own viewpoint.

4. Roy Innis, chairman of CORE,

  1. is one of the many black leaders who oppose stronger gun control laws.

  2. favors less strict gun laws.

  3. believes that stricter gun laws help criminals more than ordinary citizens.

3. Discussion

1. List the arguments Frank Borzellieri uses for and against gun control. Show how he tries to put greater emphasis on his argument by

  • choosing examples that support his viewpoint

  • quoting people who share his view

  • using rhetorical devices to depreciate opposing views.

Discuss whether you think the author succeeds in getting his message across to the reader.

2. Analyze the following opinion poll and compare the figures with the point Frank Borzellieri wants to make in his article.


Should laws covering the sale of handguns be made more strict, less strict or kept as they are now? (Gallup)

1975 1980 1981 1983 1986

More strict 69% 59% 65% 59% 60%

8 30

Less strict 3 6 3 4

Kept same 24 29 30 31

Some communities have passed laws banning the sale and possession of handguns. Would you favor or oppose having such a law in your community? (Gallup)

I 4/86-1

All Men Women Whites Blacks

Favor 47% 39% 55% 45% 59%

Oppose 47 57 38 49 34

  1. How strict are the gun control laws in yourcountry?

  2. Do you think guns should be banned in the U.S.? When discussing this question, take into consideration:


  • the situation of young urban blacks as described by Brent Staples in the text A Brother's Murder.

  • the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

  • a statement by Neal Knox of the National Rifle Association: "The right of self-defense is a fundamental one, and if I know how to use a gun and feel I need one for self-defense, whose business is it to say that I shouldn't own one?"

  • the statement of a police sergeant in Houston, a city with a high crime rate: "It's getting to the point where it's up to the citizens to protect themselves. And the way to do that is with guns."

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