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My day off

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My day off

After a hard working so nice to spend the weekend. I have 2 days off.

In these wonderful days, I'm in no hurry to get out of bed. I like to wake up and realize that the day off and that day I dedicate myself. I get up at 11 o'clock, stay in bed and watch TV and think about something nice. After that, I get up and do exercise, it is important for me because, after this, I feel cheerful and in a good mood. Then I'm going to take a shower, and then I have breakfast. When I finish the morning procedures and going to clean the apartment when I finish with her homework. At lunchtime, I have started training for tennis. Go home, take a shower, and after that I am free! Then I just do what I want. I go to the cinema, meeting with friends in a cafe, walking or just spending time with my family.

In conclusion I would like to say that I love the weekends! I look forward to these days of the week, because on weekdays, we can not afford a lot of free time. And on the weekend we really enjoyed every minute. But here's the weekend ends and begins on Monday, so there is still a hard working 5 days!

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