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Bessonova Изучаем основы бизнеса 1ч.doc
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Exhibit 4.1. Sector of the us Economy

The service sector provides more than 70 percent of the revenues produced in the United States.

Exhibit 4.2. Shift in Employment by Industry Sector

Since the end of World War II, the service sector has been responsible for creating virtually all job growth in the US economy.


labour market – рынок труда

evaluate – оценивать

compensate – оплачивать, платить жалованье

human resources management – управление трудовыми ресурсами

to be available – быть в наличии, иметься в распоряжении

keep track – следить

smokestack industries – экологически грязные производства

mushroom – бурно расти; расти чрезвычайно быстро

shrink – сокращаться, уменьшаться

recruiting – комплектование кадров

recruiter – агент по найму

advertising – рекламирование, публикация объявлений

headhunter – охотник за кадрами, вербовщик

union hiring hall – зал профессионального найма

bounty – вознаграждение

position – должность

online – (зд.) по Интернету

applicant – кандидат, претендент

inquiry – вопрос, запрос

application form – бланк заявления

resume = (CV – curriculum vitae) – краткая автобиография

letter of application – письмо-запрос о приеме на работу

interview – собеседование

qualification – квалификация, пригодность

personality – 1) личные свойства; 2) личность

Comprehension questions

1.What function does human resources management perform?

2.Is it easy or difficult to keep track of the labour market and why?

3.Which sector of economy grows at faster rates nowadays?

4.What are the fastest growing jobs in the U.S.?

5.What are the fastest shrinking jobs in the U.S.?

6.What types of jobs are growing in importance in your country?

7.How might the list of growing and shrinking occupations affect your career goal?

8.Explain the term recruiting. What methods do recruiters use?

9.State the role of the Internet in the recruiting process. What opportunities does online recruiting allow?

10.Identify the first stage in the hiring process. What information does a resume contain?

11.What is the goal of the interview?

12.What are tests used for?

13.Imagine you are an applicant for a job. Which stage in the hiring process seems a problem to you and why?

II. Vocabulary practice exercises

1. Match the words on the left with their equivalents on the right.

1. labour

2. tuition

3. well-chosen

4. pay

5. qualified

6. jobs

7. applicant

8. money reward

9. recruiter

10. declining

11. rapid growth

12. reduce

13. crucial

14. qualification

15. clarify

16. growing rapidly

17. appropriate

a) compensate

b) suitable

c) candidate

d) headhunter

e) decisive

f) shrinking

g) required skills

h) work force

I) training

j) boom

k) selected

l) determine

m) mushrooming

n) highly-skilled

o) bounty

p) diminish

q) occupations

2. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence.






recruit online

service sector



fastest growing


1.The most valuable asset of every business are ………….. .

2.National statistics indicate …………….. is providing the lion’s share of new jobs.

3 Teachers, home health aides and executives are the three …………….. occupations in the U.S.

4. Every business needs to know whether enough people with the required skills are --------------- in the labour market.

5.The demand for people with computer programming skills is ……………… .

6.Jobs in traditional “smokestack” industries are …………. nowadays.

7.…………….. use various methods when attracting suitable candidates; they may even offer a bounty.

8.Both large and small businesses …………………. through their Web sites.

9.Another goal of the …………… is to get an idea of the applicant’s personality and ability to work well with others.

10.……………… is brief description of education, experience, and personal data compiled by a job applicant.

11.According to the U.S. Department of Labour, about 62 percent of all employees of large companies work for firms that use drug ……….. .

3.Form the nouns from the following verbs adding suffixes –ment, -tion, -er, -ice, -ance, -ence.

Serve, occupy, select, advertise, interview, employ, evaluate, train, pay, compensate, achieve, reflect, allow, require, educate, depend, recruit, move, attract, create, expect, automate, reduce.

4.Translate the following groups of words into Russian:

Required skills, valuable asset, to achieve goals, the demand for highly-skilled workers, to experience rapid growth, shrinking jobs, suitable candidates, trade shows, to offer a bounty, recruitment resources, to recruit online, to reduce average costs, the applications received, to clarify qualifications, missing information, taking a test, to evaluate intelligence and physical condition, to play a crucial role.

5. Translate the following groups of words into English:

Платить жалованье служащим, быстрорастущий сектор экономики, следить за рынком рабочей силы, низкоквалифицированные рабочие, переживать бурный рост, самые быстрорастущие профессии, отбор подходящих кандидатов, специализированные навыки, домашняя медсестра, агентства по найму, постоянная должность, заполнять стандартный бланк заявления, выяснить квалификацию претендента, оценивать способности.

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