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Н.Ю. Павлова Времена английского глагола.doc
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Перевод в косвенную речь специальных вопросов

При переводе в косвенную речь специальных вопросов порядок слов в предложении меняется так же, как и при переводе общих вопросов, т.е. он становится таким же, как и в утвердительном предложении. При этом специальный вопрос присоединяется к главному при помощи того вопросительного слова, с которого начинается вопрос.

He asked, “Where do you live?” He asked me where I lived.

She asked him, “What are you reading?” She asked him what he was reading.

We asked her, “Why have you done it?” We asked her why she had done it.

They asked, “When will you do it?»” They asked when I should do it.

Exercise 129. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1.”Why did our team lose the game?” said Vera. “It has always been very strong.” 2. “Where have you put my book, Mary?” said Tom. “I cannot find it.” 3. “Whom are you waiting for, boys?” asked the man. 4. “Which of you can answer my question?” the teacher asked the pupils. 5. She said to me: “How long are you going to stay in the country?” 6. He asked me: “When will you go to the canteen?” 7. I said to Nick: “Where are you going?” 8. I said to him: “How long will it take you to get there?” 9. They asked him: “What time does the train start?” 10. Ann said to Mike: “When did you leave London?” 11. She said to Boris: “When will you be back home?” 12. Boris said to them: “How can I get to the railway station?” 13. He said to her: “Where do you usually spend your summer holiday?” 14. Mother said to me: “Who has brought this parcel?” 15. I said to Becky: “What kind of book has your friend brought you?” 16. I asked my uncle: “How long did you stay in Crimea?” 17. She asked me: “Why didn’t you come here yesterday?” 18. Mary asked Tom: “What time will you come here tomorrow?” 19. She asked me: “What will you do tomorrow if you are not busy at your office?” 20. She asked me: “How much did you pay for it?”

Exercise 130. Translate into English.

1. Они спросили меня, когда начинается мой рабочий день. 2. Он спросил, какую музыку любят мои друзья. 3. Мы спросили его, кто из его друзей знает два иностранных языка. 4. Журналисты спросили писателя, над какой книгой он работает. 5. Она спросила меня, где я была вчера. 6. Они спросили моего друга, как он провёл летние каникулы. 7. Я спросила её, где ей сшили пальто. 8. Я спросила него, какие французские книги он прочитал за последнее время. 9. Друзья спросили его, куда он ездил в прошлое воскресенье. 10. Родители спросили нас, что мы собираемся делать летом. 11. Жена спросила, почему он не купил хлеб. 12. Мы спросили преподавателя, как мы сдали экзамен. 13. Она спросила его, когда он видел Лену в последний раз. 14. Они спросили меня, когда я позвоню своим родителям. 15. Я спросила его, когда он собирается закончить эту работу.

Перевод в косвенную речь восклицательных предложений

При переводе в косвенную речь восклицательных предложений их структура меняется в зависимости от того, является ли оно по форме утвердительным предложением, общим вопросом, просьбой в соответствии с правилами, общими для этих типов предложения. При этом вводятся дополнительные обстоятельства, которые уточняют характер восклицания, т.е. выражает оно радость, печаль, удивление, возмущение и т.д. В качестве глаголов, вводящих косвенную речь, часто употребляются эмоционально окрашенные глаголы или глагольно-адвербиальные сочетания: вместо нейтрального глагола to ask глаголы to implore, to beg – просить, умолять; для выражения удивления – сочетания to ask in surprise, to cry in surprise и т.д.

“Why, what a wonderful piece of luck!” he cried.

He cried joyfully that it was a wonderful piece of luck.

“Ouch! My finger!”

She cried out that she had hurt her finger.

«Oh, how very unfortunate!» she said.

She cried with a sigh that it was very unfortunate.

“Heavens! The plate is broken,” she said.

She was astonished to find that the plate was broken.

“Oh, the dear little kitten!” the children cried.

The children exclaimed with delight that it was a dear little kitten.

Exercise 131. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech. Use the words in brackets.

1. “How wonderful the stars are!” he said to the girl, “And how wonderful is the power of love!” (cry with delight) 2. “What a remarkable thing!” said the professor. “A swallow in winter!” (exclaim in surprise) 3. “What a lovely piece of glass!” cried the little girl. (cry delightfully) 4. “How hungry we are!” the boys cried. (cry sorrowfully) 5. The student cried, “Oh, on what little things does happiness depend!” (cry with deep sadness) 6. “What disobedient children!” he cried. (cry with indignation) 7. “How well you talk!” said the Miller’s wife. (say with admiration) 8. “What a silly boy you are!” cried the Miller. (cry angrily) 9. “Why, what a good heart you have!” cried his wife. (cry with admiration) 10. “What a wonderful time I shall have in my garden!” he said to himself. (say happily) 11. The Giant said, “How selfish I have been!” (say with regret) 12. “It’s a damned lie!” he exclaimed. (exclaim indignantly)

При переводе в косвенную речь приветствий, прощаний, поздравлений, представления используются такие глаголы и сочетания, как greet, welcome, salute – приветствовать; say good bye, bid good bye – прощаться; thank – благодарить; wish – пожелать; apologize – извиниться; congratulate (on) – поздравить (с); introduce – представить.

“Thank you, little Swallow,” said the Prince.

The Prince thanked the little Swallow.

“Hello! How are you?” she said.

She greeted me and asked how I was.

Exercise 132. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1. He said, “I salute you, my little friend.” 2. He said, “I congratulate you, Miss Carnaby.” 3. He said, “Mr. Poirot? I am Drouet, Inspector of Police.” 4. She said, “I really apologize for bothering you, Mr. Poirot.” 5. Mr. Brown said, “Good morning, Mr. Smith! How are you? I’m so happy to see you again.” 6. Fred said, “Sam, old chap! Come in! What a surprise!” 7. Boris said, “Hello, Alec! What are you busy with?” 8. “Let me introduce you to Mr. William Higgs,” said Poirot. 9. “I congratulate you on your speech, General,” he said. 10. She said, “Good bye, dear.” 11. He said, “I apologize for being late.” 12. She said, “I am sorry, Mr. Brown.” 13. “Many, many thanks for your lovely present,” Mary said. 14. “I wish you success, Peter,” Mother said. 15. “Excuse me for asking to come here, Jack,” she said.

Exercise 133. Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1. “I shall not go to the party tomorrow because I don’t feel well,” said Mary. 2. “We saw a lot of places of interest when we were traveling around Europe last summer,” said Walter. 3. “I suppose we shall go to the theatre tomorrow,” said Jane. 4. “Please, don’t take the books from my table,” said Lena to me. “I have specially prepared them for working at my report.” 5. “Don’t be afraid, Nick,” said his grandmother. “This dog is very clever and it won’t do you any harm.” 6. “I shall gladly go to the cinema with you because I haven’t seen this film and I want to see it very much,” said my aunt. 7. “Which of you can answer my question?” the teacher asked the pupils. 8. “Do you think that simple food is better for children than rich food?” she asked the doctor. 9. “Why do you help him?” said Alec to us. “He is lazy. He can do everything himself.” 10. “I don’t want to go to the zoo. I was there last week with my cousin and saw the animals,” said Lena. 11. “Look at my stamps, father,” said Nick. “When will you buy some new ones for me?” 12. “I can’t do this exercise: it is too difficult,” said Tanya. “Why didn’t you ask your teacher to explain it?” said her brother. 13. “Can you see the lights over there in the distance?” said the lighthouse keeper. “Yes, I can,” said his assistant. “A ship is giving signals.” 14. “Let’s play badminton,” said Nina. “All right,” said Mike. “I like to play badminton very much.” 15. “Will you show me your new flat?” said Tom. “Of course,” said Becky. “Come to our place tomorrow.” 16. “There is a new film on at our cinema,” said Lena. “Let’s go and see it.” “No, I can’t,” said Mike. “I’ll be busy.” 17. “Please, don’t ask me any more questions,” she said to me, “I am very tired. I’ll answer all your questions tomorrow.” 18. “What are you doing here?” he cried angrily. 19. My friend said, “Ring me up at 6 p.m., please.” 20. “What disobedient children!” he cried with indignation.


В английском языке различаются следующие типы вопросов: общие, специальные, альтернативные и разделительные.