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Central air conditioning (Part II)

The most common type of air conditioning that we see is technically referred to as direct expansion, mechanical, vapor-compression refrigeration system.

Like a Refrigerator The goal with air conditioning is to capture heat in the house and throw it outside (Figure 1.1). But how can we take heat from a space that is already cooler than outdoors and dump it into the outdoor air? One of the ways we can think about it is to look at a refrigerator. If we can keep the temperature inside your refrigerator at about 40°F and it is 70°F in the kitchen, somehow we are taking heat out of that cool air and dumping it into a kitchen that is warmer. Central air conditioning and refrigerators operate on exactly the same principle. The process works something like this.

The Coils We have two coils similar to the radiator in a car: one inside the house and one outside. We put something cold through the coil inside the house and then blow warm house air across the coil, so the coil can grab heat from the house air. This cools the house. We want to take that heat in the coil outside and dump it into the outdoor air.

Let’s look at how we can do this. Freon On the inside of a coil we use a substance such as Freon 12 or Freon 22 (which are brand names for a refrigerant that is noncorrosive, nonflammable, and nontoxic but, as we have recently discovered, not great for the ozone layer). This refrigerant is a colorless gas at atmospheric temperature and pressure. Inside the coils we manipulate the Freon to make it a liquid or a gas. Freon Goes in Circles The Freon runs in a loop, passing through the indoor coil, through a copper pipe to the outdoors, through the outdoor coil, and back inside through another pipe to the indoor coil.

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

  1. How is the most common type of air conditioning technically referred to?

  2. What is the goal of air conditioning?

  3. How can we take heat from a space that is already cooler than outdoors and dump it into the outdoor air?

  4. How do central air conditioning and refrigerators operate?

  5. What is refrigerant?

Упражнение 2. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык.

Referred to (v.); direct expansion; mechanical (adj.); vapor-compression refrigeration system; goal (n.); capture (v.); throw (v.); dump (v.); outdoor air; refrigerator (n.); keep (v.); operate (v.); exactly (adv.); process (n.); radiator (n.); blow (v.); grab (v.); substance (n.); noncorrosive (adj.); nonflammable (adj.); nontoxic (adj.); recently (adv.); ozone layer; colorless (adj.); atmospheric temperature; pressure (n.); manipulate (v.); make (v.); pass through; copper pipe.

The same; like; similar; across; another; inside; outside; as; such as; which.

Упражнение 3.Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык.

Забирать; пускать; цель; невоспламеняемый; температура окружающей среды; обрабатывать; проходить через; сбрасывать; недавно; вещество; озоновый слой; медная труба; жидкость; распространенный тип; давление; змеевик, катушка; точно.

Такой как; снаружи; внутри; который; другой; чем; через, сквозь; подобный; как.

Упражнение 4. Найдите в тексте неличные формы глагола и переведите их на русский язык.

Упражнение 5. Задайте 5 различных типов вопросов к тексту В.

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