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Задание № 140 Цвет Лапшина разговорные темы.doc
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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет»

Кафедра иностранных языков

Английский язык



для студентов I-II курсов

всех направлений подготовки



УДК 378.6:811.111: (076.6)

Рецензент ст.преподаватель В.А. Памфилова

Английский язык: Задание № 140 РАЗГОВОРНЫЕ ТЕМЫ

для студентов I-II курсов всех направлений подготовки /Под ред. Л.Я. Лапшиной сост.: А.С. Глебовский, Л.Р. Данилова, М.А. Сарян, Н.Е. Дубовская, Л.Я. Лапшина, А.В. Потапчук; СПбГАСУ. - СПб., 2013. – 49 с.

Задание содержит экзаменационные разговорные темы, включенные в программу обучения по всем направлениям подготовки (специальностям) и ориентированы по семестрам.

Каждая тема включает сложные слова и выражения, необходимые для полного понимания темы и вопросы для закрепления усвоенного материала.

Разговорные темы составлены следующими преподавателями:

Глебовский А.С. – направления подготовки С, СУЗС, СМ, ЗК

Данилова Л.Р. – направления подготовки НТТС

Сарян М.А. – направления подготовки ЭЭ, ТСБ, ТЭ, ПВ

Дубовская Н.Е. – направления подготовки ЭТМК, ТТП

Потапчук А.В. – направления подготовки А, ДАС, РРАН, Гр, ПМ, ПМИ

Лапшина Л.Я. – все направления подготовки

 Санкт-Петербургский государственный

архитектурно-строительный университет, 2013


About myself and my study

My name is (…). I am … years old. I was born on (date), (month), (year) in (place of birth). I am interested in obtaining new skills, meeting people, travelling. I have many friends whose company I enjoy. I particularly enjoy the times when we get together for a walk and for a chat over a coffee. With the new social media tools we find time to stay in touch over the Internet and the phone.Visiting theatres, museums, exhibitions, concerts and places of entertainment is some of good times we have. When I am alone I like listening to music, reading or just relaxing in front of the TV. In fact, there are a lot of things I am fond of doing – going to the cinema, swimming, cycling, playing football and tennis, going to sport events. Life is never boring.

At school I started thinking of my future. My parents encouraged me to think of my future profession, which I would enjoy and realize the potential of my abilities. At school I was good at mathematics, physics and drawing. I really liked these subjects, so I decided to become an engineer/ architect/ economist/ computer programmer/. Nowadays qualified engineers/ architects/ economists/ computer programmers/ are in great demand all over the world and are among the best paid professionals. Broad-ranging skills and knowledge are highly valued.

Thus, after leaving secondary school, I entered St.-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, which is the oldest higher educational establishment of its profile in Russia with a rich history and traditions. It is the biggest University in the North-Western Region and a leading higher education establishment in the field of education and research. The graduates of our university are always in demand in the labour market; they manifest a high-level of professionalism in construction industry and related fields in the new market economy. The University provides education for a great variety of professionals. My course lasts four years. I study civil engineering/ architecture/ economics/ computer programming/ logistics/ automobile maintenance/ housing/ industrial construction/ road construction/ road safety/ engineering ecological systems, etc.

The classes begin at nine. I live at home with my parents/ on my own/ in the hostel/ and it takes me … minutes (an hour) to get to the university. I usually have two lectures and a seminar a day. At the end of each term I must take many tests and four or five exams. I am determined to get good marks and this requires my full attention. My strategy is to attend all classes, take notes, revise the material at home, use some additional information from books and the Internet. In spite of the fact that I have to study hard I really enjoy being a student.

When I graduate from the university, I will get the Bachelor’s Degree* in civil engineering/ architecture/ economics/ computer programming/ logistics/ automobile maintenance/ housing/ industrial construction/ road construction/ road safety/ engineering ecological systems. That will enable me to start working in my chosen field, or I may go on studying for two more years and take professional educational courses for getting the Master's Degree*. This includes special disciplines and modules, which explain new achievements in science and technology. The courses are aimed at scientific creativity, practical and research work. As a Master's Degree holder, I will have the opportunity to continue my research, PhD* scientific degree which will certainly increase my competitiveness in the labour market and give me the possibility to get an interesting, well paid job in my future profession or perhaps to start my own business.


*Bachelors Degree академическая степень бакалавра (Диплом бакалавра при поступлении на работу даёт право занять должность, для которой квалификационными требованиями предусмотрено высшее образование).

*Master's Degree степень магистра (Маги́стр академическая степень, приобретаемаястудентомпосле окончания магистратуры.Магистрату́ра (в некоторых странах называется мастерат) ступень высшего профессионального образования, следующая после бакалавриата, позволяющая углубить специализацию по определенному профессиональному направлению.

*PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) Degree кандидат наукучёная степень первой ступени в Российской Федерации, согласно Международной стандартной классификации образования (МСКО) ЮНЕСКО 2011, напр., PhD in Technical Sciences – кандидат технических наук, PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) также соответствует степени доктора философии в западных странах.