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Marketing Functions

(наизусть 4 балла)

To an economist, everything that takes place between production and consumption falls into the category of marketing.

A market is where buyers and sellers come together. Marketing, then, includes the activities that bring buyers and sellers together. It is more then product advertising. Marketing includes buying and selling, transporting and storing, product planning, market research, product support, customer service, financing, insuring and other functions.

Business firms collect information about the market to forecast potential sales. Before finished goods can be sold, they must be selected and purchased. Goods must be shipped to the place where they are sold. Then goods must be advertised, promoted and sold. Before they are sold, goods are stored in warehouses.

Active Vocabulary (наизусть 1 балл)

consumption – потребление

to include – включать

activity – вид деятельности

transporting - транспортировка

storing – хранение

market research – исследование рынка

product support – поддержка продукта

insuring – страхование

to forecast – прогнозировать

to purchase – покупать

warehouse – склад


1 Translate the following combinations into Russian.

1 to take place between production and consumption

2 to fall into the category

3 to include the activities

4 to bring buyers and sellers together

5 product advertising

6 buying and selling

7 transporting and storing

8 product planning

9 market research

10 product support

11 customer service

12 financing and insuring

13 to collect information about the market

14 to forecast potential sales

15 finished goods

16 must be selected and purchased

17 must be shipped to the place

18 be advertised, promoted and sold

19 must be stored in warehouses

2 Translate the following combinations into English.

(наизусть 2 балла)

1 потребление товаров и услуг

2 виды деятельности, включающие транспортировку и хранение

3 проводить исследование рынка

4 включать поддержку продукта и страхование

5 покупать товар на складе фирмы

6 производство и потребление

7 реклама товара

8 собирать информацию о рынке

9 предвидеть потенциальные продажи

10 отгружаться до места продажи

3 Translate into Russian using the expressions from previous tasks.

(перевод 2 балла)

1 Производство и потребление попадает под категорию маркетинга.

2 Маркетинг включает в себя различные виды деятельности.

3 Рынок – это место, где встречаются производители и потребители.

4 Планирование продукта, его реклама, транспортировка и хранение – основные функции маркетинга.

5 Маркетинг включает также поддержку товара и его страхование.

6 Сбор информации помогает прогнозировать потенциальные продажи.

7 Товары должны быть отобраны, закуплены и отправлены в место продажи.

8 До того как они будут проданы, они должны храниться на складе.

Reading (перевод каждого текста 1 балл)


What is marketing?

A Marketing is finding out about your customers and competitors so that you can provide the right product at the right price.

B Think about the people you want to sell to: your target market. Different products have different target markets, for example, Swatch and Rolex watches. Questions to ask are:

Who are my customers – age, sex, income?

What is the size of the market?

Is it possible for the market to get bigger?

What about product awareness – do people know about my company’s products?

C You find out this information through market research. Market research uses interviews to find out about people’s attitude and questionnaires to find out about their shopping habits?

D When you know who your customers are and how big your market is, the next step is to set your objectives. Do you want to increase sales? To increase market share? Or to make your product different from the competition?

E Next, think about your strategy for meeting your objectives. If your objective is to increase market share, you could:

Find new customers by making your product more attractive;

Take customers from your competitors;

Persuade your customers to use more of your product.

F How will you make your strategy work? What message do you want to send? There are many types of promotion and it’s important to choose the right one, e.g.

Advertising on TV, in newspapers, etc.

Direct marketing by post (mail shots)

Telesales – selling to customers on the phone

Point-of-sale material in shops – free samples or special offers.

Now you are ready to launch your product in the market. Good luck!