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Step 1: Understanding the Information Historical Background

  • Give the proper English equivalents. Learn the active vocabulary

  1. середина XIX века

  2. подразумевать (значить), непосредственно предшествовать

  3. властная логика

  4. колебания маятника

  5. преобладание эмоций

  6. восходить к определенной эпохе

  7. неиспорченный

  8. промышленная революция

  9. охватывать

  10. народные ритмы и мелодии

  11. чувственность

  12. сильное, страстное желание

  13. представить что-либо через что-либо

  • Check the spelling and the pronunciation of the proper names

  • Thomas Cole

  • Hudson River School

  • Jean Francois Millet

  • Franz Joseph Haydn

  • Ludwig von Beethoven

  • Franz List

  • Frederic Chopin

  • William Wordsworth

  • John Constable

  • Eugene Delacroix

  • Francisco Goya

    • Look through the following selection and find out the information in the text

  1. Place the Romantic Movement in its correct historical setting.

  2. Name some famous Romantic painters and composers.

  3. How did events, such as the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution and the Reign of Napoleon affect the artists of the Romantic era?

  • Complete the following sentences with information from the text

  1. As its name implies the Romantic period was full of emotionalism ____________________________________________________________.

  2. Predominance of the emotional presence in art ______________________.

  3. After America had inspired the French Revolution ___________________.

  4. Some, but not all Romantics _____________________________________.

  5. One person who did not celebrate Napoleon _________________________.

  6. The Romantics had much to be emotional about ______________________.

Part I

  • Give the proper English equivalents. Learn the active vocabulary

  1. излучать оптимизм

  2. тянуться (о времени)

  3. неистовство эмоций

  4. фантастический и величественный

  5. жаждать (стремиться)

  6. избыток эмоций

  7. возбуждать (волновать)

  8. разъяренная толпа

  9. падение аристократии

  10. штурмовать баррикады

  11. изобиловать страстью

  12. спаситель идеалов революции

  13. рано развившийся

  14. проявить императорские амбиции

  15. сцена коронации

  16. двор Наполеоновской империи

  17. переполненный эмоциями дух


  1. абсолютная вера в прогресс

  2. раскопки доисторического монстра

  3. приносить страдания, приводить

в трущобы

  1. военный корабль

  2. разрушение (переплавка)

  3. переполненный городской


  1. стремиться к простой

сельской жизни

  1. пастушеские красоты природы

  2. спокойствие,

овладевать (о чувствах)

  1. простой человек.

  • Review the ideas that the Romantic philosophers had about the need to recognize the individual. What was this emphasis on individualism a reaction on? How did the ideas of the Romantics differ from those of the people who lived during the Enlightenment?

  • Recall some paintings and their subjects mentioned in Part I. Describe the moods reflected by these paintings. Would the term realism be appropriate? How do these paintings reflect the attitude of the Romantics that people should be in touch with human emotion?

  • What is the meaning of the terms realism and romanticism. Look for the paintings that best define the emotional Romantic artist.

  • In what ways did Romantic artists react to the French Revolution? What kinds of emotions did the Romantics express in their paintings and music?

  • Fill in the gaps. Use the above given words and word combinations. Translate the utterances into good Russian. Reproduce them by heart in the way the speaker does

  1. The first of the 18th century _________________________________.

  2. During the “Enlightened” eighteenth century, Reason gradually gave way to _____________________________________________________________.

  3. The Romantic age was a time of turbulent emotions. Men were fascinated by___________________________________________________________.

  4. Above all, Romanticism was _____________________________________.

  5. On July 14, 1789, ________________________________stormed the Bastille! This was Romanticism in action! With the French Revolution and _________________________________________.

  6. A child of the French Revolution, Napoleon proclaimed himself _________________________________________.

  7. But the stormy young general soon _________________________________.

  8. In the arts, as in the times, the _____________________________________.

  9. Both the industrial age and political revolutions created ________________.

  10. Many men, such as Thoreau in America, ___________________________.

  11. Wordsworth defined poetry “emotional recollection in________________”.

Tasks to the Pictures

Look at Picture 13.

This anonymous painting, which was made in 1789, shows a mob storming the Bastille, a prison in Paris. This event marked the beginning of the

  1. Seven Year’s War

  2. French Revolution

  3. Napoleonic wars

  4. American Revolution