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16.5. Домашнє завдання

Вправа 8. Трансформуйте речення з активного у пасивний стан. Перекладіть речення.

1. They deliver all the mail at half past nine. 2. This engineer is writing the letter in English. 3. William taught this group of children. 4. The students will buy the theatre tickets next week. 5. They have published this booklet. 6. They had built this block of flats by the end of the year. 7. Mary was writing the article for the journal from five till eight. 8. Everybody knows you. 9. Everyone hears our broadcasts. 10. We will have finished the work by Saturday.

Вправа 9. Назвіть номери речень, присудок яких стоїть у пасивному стані.

1. May 7, 1895 has entered the history of science as the date of the invention of radio. 2. In 1938 the first TV station came into being in Moscow, but the war stopped the development of television. 3. The international exchange programmes will be developed still further in future. 4. Some powerful radio stations have recently been built in the northern regions. 5. Much attention is being paid to the development of three-dimensional television.

Вправа 10. Виберіть правильний переклад присудка.

1. The machine tool measures its production itself.

2. The machine tool will measure its production itself.

3. The part is measured with great accuracy.

a) виміряли; b) виміряє; c) виміряється; d) буде виміряти.

4. The builders are planning to build the road.

5. The building of the road is being planned.

6. The building of the road was being planned.

a) планується; b) планують; c) спланували; d) планували.

7. The tests have been carried out well.

8. The tests were being carried out well.

9. The tests are being carried out well.

а) виконуються; b) виконувались; c) виконані; d) будуть виконані.

Вправа 11. Складіть розповідь про свій факультет з використанням активних слів та виразів.

Lesson 17. My Major

17.1.Розмовна тема. Моя спеціалізація

Вправа 1. Прочитайте розмовні формули для розповіді про будь-яку спеціальність та складіть розповідь про власну спеціальність.

I am a first year student of NTU “KhPI”.

I study at ___ Department.

I major in ___.

Besides my speciality at our department there are such specialities as ___.

In ___ I will gain a Bachelor’s Degree.

After graduating from the University I am going to be an engineer (technologist, designer, etc.) and work in (at) ___.


Вправа 2. Заповніть пропуски словами зі списку: what, courses, it’s, you, does, include, little, to highlight, to, field, school, because, for, fascinates.

There are two reasons to choose a major: to prepare for a specific ___ or job, or to immerse yourself in a subject that ___ you.

Some students choose a major because it will prepare them for a specific career path. Career–focused majors ___ engineering, business, or education. Other students choose a major simply ___ they love the subject. If you choose this path, you may pursue a career that has ___ to do with what you studied in college. Here are some ideas on how to start your search ___ the right major.

Forget high ­­­___. College is a whole new ball game. Subjects you hated as a high school student might turn out to be completely different in a new educational setting. Make the most of the general education ___ you’re required to take. Don’t just pick whatever’s easiest; choose ones that appeal to ___, even if they are upper–level courses. You don’t yet know what will really compel you.

Talk to your advisors. They know what it takes to tackle certain academic disciplines. Tell them your strengths and your interests. They’ll be able ___ courses that might excite you as well as classes that are popular with other students.

Check the syllabus. What are the assignments? The books? The requirements? Does the material seem compelling to you? If you start nodding off while reading the course catalogue, perhaps ___ best to cross that field off your list.

Ask upperclassmen. They are the real experts at your college, and they have faced the daunting task of declaring a major themselves.

Engage professionals in fields you find interesting. Ask them exactly ___ their jobs entail and how their careers do (or don’t) relate to their majors.

But the main thing to remember is that your major ___ not determine your life. You should choose a subject that interests you and that has some connection to the post-collegiate life you want to build for yourself. But keep the decision in perspective; you can always change careers or go back ___ school.

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