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0. The girl has put all the books into the bookcase. – All the books were put into the bookcase (by girl).

1.She always invites me to her dinner parties.2. We discussed the matter some days ago.

3. Someone wants you on the phone. 4. She found my book on the window-sill. 5. She has given me an English book. 6. I have invited some friends to tea. 7. They have told us a lot оf interesting things. 8. The students have written the test-paper without mistakes. 9. The children have scattered about a lot of things. 10. Snow will cover the fields in winter.

Exercise 11. Open the brackets using correct form of the verb.

1. The porter will (bring, be brought) your lug­gage to your room. 2. Your luggage will (bring, be brought) up in the lift. 3. You may (leave, be left) your hat and coat in the cloak-room downstairs. 4. They can (leave, be left) the key with the clerk downstairs. 5. From the station they will (take, be taken) straight to the hotel. 6. Tomorrow he will (take, be taken) them to the RussianMuseum. 7.At the station they will (meet, be met) by a man from the travel bureau.

8. She will (meet, be met) them in the hall upstairs.

Exercise 12. Complete the sentences using Passive Voice.

1. Everybody laughed at this funny animal. 2. We have been looking for you the whole morn­ing. 3. We shall insist on strict discipline. 4. They teach three foreign languages at this school. 5. They have built excellent shelters for tourists in these mountains. 6. Have you given the exercises to all the students? 7. The boy was angry because his mother did not allow him to go to the stadium. 8. Why have you put my books on this table? 9. Has the secretary typed the letters? — No, she is typing them now. 10. They ex­amined the paper attentively.

Exercise 13.Change the active sentences to passive. Include the “by phrase” only if necessary.

  1. Someone cut down the tree last week. 2. Sally made that pie. 3. Three continents surround the MiditerraneanSea. 4. Someone interrupted me in the middle of my story. 5. People didn`t build Rome in a day. 6. Where do they file that information. 7. People broadcast the news all over the world. 8. They will not provide pencils at the test. 9. Edgar Degas attend an auction where someone sell one of his paintings for $ 100 000. 10. The artist ask what he felt. “I feel as a horse must feel,” he replied, “when the beautiful cup give to the jockey”.

Exercise 14. Supply the correct Tense Form.

  1. I hope you (go to) bed by eleven o’clock.

  2. She (listen)to the poem many times before she understands all the words.

  3. They (get) you into trouble before you can see knife.

  4. I hope the telegram (come) before they start for the North.

  5. The news of their marriage (reach) their village before they get there.

  6. She (be) there many times before she meets him again.

  7. They believe the ship (come back) by the end of the navigation.

  8. By the time you come I (clean) the flat and (cook) dinner.

9. We (build)already this plant by the end of 1997.

10. Next year we (to be )together for ten years.

Exercise 15. a)Write a short plan of the text.

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