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4.4. Idiomatic expressions. Look at how the following expressions are used in the listening text. What do you think they mean? How would you say number 4 and 6 in your own language?

  1. to get on in life / the world

  2. to be cut out for something

  3. to refuse (something) point-blank

  4. That's the last straw!

  5. to make one's way in the world

  6. The world is one's oyster.

4.5. Use the expressions above to complete the following sentences.

a. After four weeks of working in a school, he realized he wasn't _________teaching. He didn't have enough patience.

b. Although she worked hard and was ambitious, she didn't _______. Perhaps she was just unlucky.

c. She was young, intelligent, free, and rich. The world ________.

d. Sarah's two young children had behaved badly all day, so when they threw their dinner on the floor, she said «_________» and immediately put them to bed.

e. The Director was rather shocked when she refused his offer ________ He wasn't used to receiving _________ refusals.

4.6. Work with your partner. Take turns interviewing one another, using the questions below. Try to use the following multi-word verbs and expressions in your questions and answers.

cut out for take on pick up go in for turn down take up get by apply for get someone down get on (in life/the world) be accepted onto/for


A What profession do you think you are cut out for?

B I think I'm cut out for acting because I like speaking in public.

a. Which of these jobs are you most/least suited to? Why?

– business management

– acting

– administrative work

– nursing

– teaching

– secretarial work

– social work

– academic work

b. What made you choose your present career or course of study?

c. What kind of things make you feel depressed at work or at school?

d. What aspects of your work or study require most time?

e. How important is it to be successful in life? Why?

f. How important is it to have a job that pays a lot of money? Why?

g. Have you acquired any new skills recently?

h. Where did you learn them?

4.7. 9 Listen to seven people talking about their work. What are their jobs?

4.8. Work with your partner. Choose a job and decide how you can describe it without saying what the job is. Try not to «give the game away» by making it too easy. Read your description to the rest of the class. They must guess what the job is. They can also ask you questions about it.

4.9. Work with your partner. Look at the picture story and practise telling it. Then write the story together.

V. Who should be paid most?

5.1. The following article reveals what six millionaires said about the secrets of their success. First read the article quickly and find out how many of the people think it is important NOT to work all the time. Then read the article more slowly and answer these questions.

A. Find words which mean:

a) watchful, ready for action;

b) understood wrongly;

c) periods of time or work;

d) take hold of quickly and firmly;

e) having a strong reason for doing something (two words);

f) very bad.

B. Write an explanation for each of these ideas:

a) «I’m certainly not married to my job».

b) «It’s easier for the young – they’ve got a tougher skin and aren’t afraid to knock on doors».

c) «… don’t be a clock-watcher».

C. Write a paragraph setting out your own «recipe for making millions».