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4.4.1. Comprehension check.

  1. How did Raj’s father find the two men?

  2. Was it difficult to find a husband for Raj?

  3. Describe the day that Raj met the two men.

  4. Why did her father choose Shyam?

  5. What happened between that day and their marriage?

4.4.2. In the following summary there are some factual mistakes and some gaps. Correct the mistakes and complete the gaps.

Raj’s father arranged her marriage when she was still at school. He chose her husband by _____. In Raj’s case, this didn’t take long, but sometimes _____. Two men were introduced to Raj and her family, and together they decided _____. The men were of similar background, but one of them _____, and this was the one _____. Raj didn’t agree with her father, but she had no choice. She has now been married for twenty-two years, and in fact _____. Most marriages in India are still _____, and the usual age _____.

4.4.3. Team up with your fellow-student and discuss these questions. Your opinion should be followed by some appropriate comment.

  1. What was Raj’s attitude to her arranged marriage? Did she accept it or resent it?

  2. How do you think she felt on the day she met the two men?

  3. Raj says that her husband’s family wasn’t wealthy, but they owned a village and were like princes. What does this tell us about Raj?

  4. What else would you like to know, either about Raj’s marriage, or about arranged marriages?

  5. What advantages does she see to arranged marriages?

  • In pairs, list other advantages and disadvantages. Discuss with your partner the problem of arranged marriages.

4.5. Speech practice.

  • Your views on marriage for love/ on arranged marriage.

  • Your arguments for/ against getting married at your age.

V. Personal problems

5.1. Choose suitable expressions (quantifiers with and without of) from the box to complete the text. More than one answer is possible in some cases.

any (of) each (of) every every one of more (of) most (of) neither (of) no none (of) several (of) some (of)

I’ve got two daughters; _____ them is married. My younger daughter, Ann, has had ______ boyfriends already than I’ve had in my whole life. I’m quite envious. She’s got _______ boyfriends at the moment. I don’t know how she does it, but she somehow manages to give ______ the boys the impression that he’s the only one. I don’t think ______ them knows about the others. ______ her boyfriends are very good-looking. But I don’t think ______ boy who goes out with Ann can be very bright.

My other daughter is quite different – much more the faithful type. She had ______ boyfriends, but always one at a time. And ______ relationship is very serious while it lasts. The two girls have quite a lot of arguments, of course. The older one always says that you need complete trust and honesty for ______ real relationship. Her sister says that ______ relationship is perfect all the time, so you might as well have a lot and get something different out of ______ them. ______ people criticize my younger daughter and say that her sister is right, but I’m not so sure. I think ______ her ideas are quite interesting, and if I was her age again I might behave in the same way.