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II. Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences using the active vocabulary of Unit 1.

  1. It is natural to stay in some place and be protected from a storm.

  2. She always made him suffer her problems.

  3. Their natural environment is being destroyed.

  4. They were sent to the zoo because they could not survive in a free state, without being looked after by people.

  5. Our fund is working to provide safe areas for birds where they are protected and encouraged to breed.

  6. The government has started a massive literacy campaign.

  7. These people live in shocking conditions.

  8. They have a streak of idealism – they prefer songs with an inspiring social message.

  9. The strikers were in a mood of using force to achieve their aims.

  10. They are concerned with a three year plan for the exploitation of forest keeping deforestation at a steady level.

  11. There are two hundred and fifty kinds of shark.

III. Paraphrase the underlined parts of the sentences using idioms.

  1. I wish I could be an unnoticed observer when they discuss my future.

  2. An anonymous phone call had sent the detectives on a hopeless search.

  3. She is very fond of reading.

  4. Right in the middle of the speech he got difficulty in speaking because his throat felt dry.

  5. From the plane we had a general view of London.

  6. I agreed once to be used in a medical experiment.

  7. She seemed least likely to win in the election.

  8. Poor thing, his life is difficult – he’s got an old house, an old car, and a sick mother-in-law to take care of.

IV. Insert prepositions where necessary.

  1. Hatred feeds _____ envy.

  2. The amphibians are hunters, preying ____ worms and insects.

  3. She claims to be descended _____ royalty.

  4. I shall always love Guy and mourn _____ him.

  5. Many wild animals can not breed _____ captivity.

  6. Many classes of mammals are ____ danger of dying ___.

  7. We raise money to save animals _____ extinction.

  8. Whales are being hunted _____ extinction.

  9. She’s on a diet. She lives _____ fruit and vegetables.

  10. Mutualism is a state in which both plant and insect derive benefit _____ the other.

Unit 2 describing people

You will learn and work on structures and vocabulary used in descriptions of people.

Skills: giving spoken and written physical descriptions; scanning texts for specific information; listening for detail

Grammar: compound adjectives; prepositions in descriptions; relative clauses




Physical appearance



Character and personality



«Going by appearances»



«It takes all sorts»




I. Physical appearance

1.1. Complete the text with words from the box.

bald beard blue casually early ears fair glasses good-looking heavily look narrow serious smile straight strong thin

I’m in my ___ fifties. I’m very tall, and quite ___ built, but I have rather ___ shoulders. I’m a little overweight.

I have ___ medium-length ___ hair, but I’m going ___, so there isn’t a lot of it left. I have a grey ___ and moustache. My eyes are ___, and I wear ___. I’ve got a rather long face, with a ___ chin, a big nose and big ___. I have ___ lips, and I usually have a ___ expression; my face changes a lot when I ___. I have a high forehead; I like to think that it looks intelligent.

Clothes are not very important to me, and I’m usually very ___ dressed.

I don’t think I’m very __, but I’m not all that bad-looking either. I probably ___ a bit younger than I am.