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1. Запрещенный список-2007 (Серия “осторожно:допинг!”). Международный стандарт [текст] авт.-сост. Пер. с англ. Н.Г.Кручинский, С.М.Самохин. - Учр. “Национальное антидопинговое агентство”, Минск: ЧУП “Альтиора-Живые Краски”, 2006 - 16 с. 2. Challenges in Detecting the Abuse of Growth Hormone in Sport / C.M. McHugh [и др.] // Clin. Chem. - 2005. - № 51. - P. 1587-1593. 3. Ergogenic Aids: A Review of Basic Science, Performance, Side Effects, and Status in Sports. / J.M. Tokish [и др.] // Amer. J. of Sports Med. - 2004. - Vol. 32. - P. 1543-1553. 4. Tetrahydrogesterinone is an androgenic steroid that stimulates androgen receptor-mediated, myogenic differentiation in CH310T1/2 multipotent mesenchymal cells and promotes muscle accretion in orchidectomized male rats / R. Jasuia [и др.] // Endocrinology. - 2005. - Vol. 146, № 10. - P. 4472-4478. 5. Ramaekers J.G. Editorial [Drugs promoting Wakefulness and performance Executive Editor]/ J.G. Ramaekers //Current pharmaceutical design. - 2006. - Vol. 12, № 20. - P. 2455-2456. 6. ССES Substance Classification Booklet. Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport. - 2007. - Version 3.0 (Jan.1, 2007). 7. Effect of different protocols of caffeine intake on metabolism and endurance performance / G.R. Cox [и др.] / J. Appl. Physiol., 2002, № 93. P. 990-999. First published May 31, 2002. 8. M.A.M.Peluso, L.H.S.Guerra de Andrade. Physical activity and mental health: the association between exercise and mood // Clinics - 2005. - Vol. 60, №.1.

Журнал “Наука и инновации” №7 2007г. (стр. 10-14)