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IV. Translate the sentences into English using the words from the text:

  1. Ряд научных разработок ХХ века способствовал развитию автоматизированной техники.

  2. Достижения в области искусственного интеллекта позволили роботу общаться с человеком.

  3. Машинное зрение требует обработки информации с помощью цифрового компьютера.

  4. Математическая теория систем управления получила своё развитие после Второй мировой войны.

Grammar revision exercises

  1. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the Comparison Degrees:

  1. The most significant developments in automation technology have occurred during the 20-th century.

  2. The development of the electronic digital computer has made the control function in automation more sophisticated.

  3. Thanks to the digital computer all calculations are executed much faster than before.

  4. Miniaturization in computer technology has led to much smaller and less expensive machines than their predecessors.

  5. The microprocessor is capable of performing the logic and arithmetic functions at much greater speeds.

  6. Modern programming languages are easier to use and are much more powerful in their logic capabilities.

  7. The most part of more complex processes obey the laws of physics.

  8. Human intelligence is a much less studied field than artificial intelligence.

  9. Artificial intelligence is the most advanced field of computer science.

  10. The least difficult task for “intelligent” machines is the ability to communicate with humans and to accept high-level instructions.

  1. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the Passive Infinitive in different functions:

  1. A great number of measuring devices can be utilized in automatic feedback control systems.

  2. Machine vision requires enormous amounts of data to be processed by high-speed digital computers.

  3. Sensor technology proves to be used for various industrial tasks.

  4. The calculations to be executed by the ENIAC enabled the control function in automation to become much more sophisticated.

  5. To be implemented some of the sensor systems require computer technology.

  6. To be operated means to be controlled.

  7. The problem to be solved by a digital computer must be expressed in mathematical terms.

  8. Mini-computers are known to be applied as a part of the robots and digital program control technological equipment.

  9. Industrial robots must be provided with a set of instructions concerning the parts which are to be assembled.

Oral practice tasks

    1. Complete the sentences with the facts from the text:

  1. The most significant developments of the XXth century are: … .

  2. The development of integrated circuits propelled … .

  3. Modern storage media includes : … .

  4. The advances in sensor technology have provided a vast array of measuring devices which include: … .

  5. The mathematical theory of control systems evolved after World War II includes: … .

  6. The characteristics of artificial intelligence are: … .

  7. An industrial robot provided with artificial intelligence is capable of ... .

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