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II. Read and translate the sentences. Find the synonyms for the underlined words:

    1. All mass-production operations start with an assembly line.

    2. Workpieces move along the assembly line in a continuous flow.

    3. The workers along the line perform a specific function.

    4. Each part or tool is delivered to the point of use in synchronization with the line.

    5. The system of scheduling and control on the line is intricate.

    6. In modern automobile-engine plants assembly lines consist of machines run by machines.

    7. The number of products assembled by hand is steadily decreasing.

    8. The development of versatile automatic machinery and desired industrial robots is increasing the flexibility of automated assembly operations.

      1. universal, b. special, c. work parts, d. necessary, e. begin, f. complicated, g. manually, h. equipment, i. instrument, j. simultaneously, k. motor, l. constantly, m. operated.

III. Compile the sentences using the table and translate them:




    1. is an arrangement of

    2. is intended for

    3. provides

    4. consists of

    5. starts with

    6. is served by

    7. contains

    8. uses

    9. is controlled by

    10. is applied in

      1. industrial robots.

      2. a bare chassis.

      3. machines and workers.

      4. mass production.

      5. different assemblies.

      6. the flow of workpieces.

      7. automatic equipment.

      8. human workers.

      9. the sequence of operations.

      10. machines run by machines.

Grammar Revision Exercise

  1. Translate the sentences into English using the Passive Voice. For example:

Операции сборки выполняют (выполняются, выполнены) на сборочной линии.

Assembly operations are performed on the assembly line.

    1. Продвижение материала по линии осуществляется автоматически.

    2. Рабочее задание и объём выпуска продукции программируют.

    3. Компоненты сборки на конвейере присоединяют последовательно.

    4. Детали подгоняются к сборочным комплектам по линиям подачи.

    5. На современных автомобильных заводах сборочные линии полностью механизированы.

    6. Применяется сложная система планирования и контроля.

    7. В процессе сборки одни машины приводятся в действие другими.

    8. Многие детали всё ещё собирают вручную.

    9. Некоторые операции сборки предназначены для рабочих.

    10. Сложные и опасные манипуляции выполняют промышленные роботы.

    11. Автоматизированная сборка успешно применима в нефтеперерабатывающем и химическом производстве.

Oral Practice Tasks

  1. Agree or disagree to the following statements. Use the expressions:

Agreement Disagreement

  • Quite so! - I can’t agree to this.

  • I think so too. - It is not true to the fact.

  1. Assembly line is intended for mass-production operations.

  2. All operations along the line are compatible.

  3. Only identical assemblies are performed on the line simultaneously.

  4. Automated assembly lines are run by humans.

  5. Only a few products are still assembled by hand.

  6. Any product can be assembled automatically.

  7. The development of industrial robots increases the flexibility of automated assembly operations.

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