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Unit 4 Theoretical principles of automation


  1. to exhibit – демонстрировать; проявлять

  2. available – имеющийся в распоряжении

  3. versatile – многосторонний; гибкий

  4. fuel – топливо

fossil fuel – органическое топливо

  1. processing – обработка

  2. to transfer – переносить, перемещать; передавать

transfer – перенос, перемещение; передача

  1. positioning – размещение, определение местоположения

  2. entity – объект; категория

  3. shaping – придание формы, формование; фасонирование

  4. molding – формовка, формование; отливка

  5. switching – включение; выключение; переключение

  6. to entail – влечь за собой; вызывать

  7. valuable – ценный; полезный

  8. readily – легко; быстро

  9. product – изделие

  10. location – местоположение; размещение; ячейка

  11. series – ряд; серия

  12. step – ступень; стадия; этап

  13. accurate – точный, правильный; тщательный

  14. to refer – иметь отношение, относиться

  15. unit – блок; узел; установка; агрегат; устройство

  16. delivery – доставка; передача

Vocabulary exercises

I. Read and translate the words of the same stem:

  1. to develop – developed – developing – development

  2. to provide – provided – providing – provision

  3. To process – process – processing – processor

  4. to program – programming – programmable – programmer

  5. to exhibit – exhibition – exhibitor

  6. to accomplish – accomplished – accomplishment

  7. common – commonly

  8. to automate – automated – automation – automatically

  9. to generate – generator – generation

  10. to shape – shaped – shaping – shape

II. Find the Russian equivalents for the English words:

  1. source

  2. feedback

  3. exception

  4. to exhibit

  5. to accomplish

  6. versatile

  7. positioning

  8. solar

  9. pneumatic

  10. transfer

  11. molding

  12. delivery

    1. доставка

    2. перемещение

    3. солнечный

    4. многосторонний

    5. демонстрировать

    6. обратная связь

    7. формовка

    8. воздушный

    9. установка

    10. выполнять

    11. исключение

    12. источник

III. Match the synonyms and translate them:

  1. 1. power, 2. block, 3. to accomplish, 4. to generate, 5. to convert, 6. work, 7. positioning, 8. shaping, 9. data, 10. state, 11. to transfer, 12. readily, 13. to entail.

  1. a. location, b. condition, c. to cause, d. performance, e. energy, f. information, g. to realize, h. unit, i. to move, j. to produce, k. to transform, l. molding, m. easily.

IV. Add the second word to complete the word-combination:

1. building …

2. machine …

3. automated …

4. electrical …

5. fossil …

6. processing …

7. communication …

8. computerized …

9. output …

10. feedback …

Text 4A

I. Read and translate the text:

Principles and Theory of Automation

The developments described above have provided the three basic building blocks of automation: (1) a source of power to perform some action, (2) feedback controls, and (3) machine programming. Almost without exception, an automated system will exhibit all these elements.

Power Source

An automated system is designed to accomplish some useful action, and that action requires power. There are many sources of power available, but the most commonly used power in today's automated systems is electricity. Electrical power is the most versatile, because it can be readily generated from other sources (e.g., fossil fuel, hydroelectric, solar, and nuclear) and it can be readily converted into other types of power (e.g., mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic) to perform useful work. In addition, electrical energy can be stored in high-performance, long-life batteries.

The actions performed by automated systems are generally of two types: (1) processing and (2) transfer and positioning.

In the first case, energy is applied to accomplish some processing operation on some entity. The process may involve the shaping of metal, the molding of plastic, the switching of electrical signals in a communication system, or the processing of data in a computerized information system. All these actions entail the use of energy to transform the entity (e.g., the metal, plastic, electrical signals, or data) from one state or condition into another, more valuable state or condition.

The second type of action – transfer and positioning – is most readily seen in automated manufacturing systems designed to perform work on a product. In these cases the product must generally be moved (transferred) from one location to another during the series of processing steps. At each processing location accurate positioning of the product is generally required. In automated communications and information systems the terms “transfer” and “positioning” refer to the movement of data (or electrical signals) among various processing units and the delivery of information to output terminals (printers, video display units, etc.) for interpretation and use by humans.

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