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Vocabulary Exercises

  1. Look through text 8a and find the words of the same stem. Read and translate them:

1. to manufacture, 2. to produce, 3. to design, 4. to apply, 5. to program, 6. to specify, 7. to inform, 8. to fabricate, 9. to process, 10. to modify, 11. to analyse, 12. to adjust, 13. to monitor, 14. to communicate, 15. to perform.

  1. Match the verbs with the appropriate prepositions. Read and translate them:

  1. to be related

  2. to be associated

  3. to be based

  4. to make use

  5. to assist

  6. to be accomplished

  7. to be applied

    1. on

    2. by

    3. for

    4. to

    5. in

    6. with

    7. of

  1. Match the synonyms and translate them:

A. 1. to grow, 2. trend, 3. manufacture, 4. efficiency, 5. to display, 6. data, 7. component, 8. design, 9. engineering, 10. to assist, 11. basis, 12. to complete, 13. to generate, 14. to accomplish, 15. communication, 16. performance, 17. customer, 18. monitoring.

B. a. to show, b. information, c. to increase, d. tendency, e. element, f. production, g. technology, h. to help, i. project, j. foundation, k. control, l. productivity, m. operation, n. client, o. to finish, p. to produce, q. transfer, r. to realize.

  1. Read and translate the word-combinations:

1. design and production functions, 2. computer applications scope, 3. part and product specifications, 4. electronics products, 5. equipment design and fabrication, 6. computer database, 7. design-and-manufacturing procedure, 8. heat transfer calculations, 9. final object design, 10. computer-aided design system, 11. computer process monitoring, 12. process-performance results, 13. planning and management functions, 14. step-by-step process, 15. information-processing function.

  1. Make up the word-combinations and translate them:

  1. computer

  2. business

  3. mechanical

  4. graphic

  5. chemical

  6. final

  7. production

  8. management

  9. numerical

  10. comprehensive

    1. processing

    2. control

    3. application

    4. part

    5. database

    6. operation

    7. function

    8. system

    9. product

    10. model

text 8a

I. Read and translate the text:

Computer-Integrated Manufacturing

Since about 1970, there has been a growing trend in manufacturing firms toward the use of computers to perform many functions related to design and production. The technology associated with this trend is called CAD/CAM, for computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing. Today it is widely recognized that the scope of computer applications must extend beyond design and production to include the business functions of the firm. The name given to this more comprehensive use of computers is computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM).

CAD/CAM is based on the capability of a computer system to process, store, and display large amounts of data representing part and product specifications. For mechanical products, the data represent graphic models of the components; for electrical products, they represent circuit information; and so forth. CAD/CAM technology has been applied in many industries, including machined components, electronics products, and equipment design and fabrication for chemical processing. CAD/CAM involves not only the automation of the manufacturing operations but also the automation of elements in the entire design-and-manufacturing procedure.

Computer-aided design (CAD) makes use of computer systems to assist in the creation, modification, analysis, and optimization of a design. The designer, working with the CAD system rather than the traditional drafting board, creates the lines and surfaces that form the object (product, part, structure, etc.) and stores this model in the computer database. By invoking the appropriate CAD software, the designer can perform various analyses on the object, such as heat transfer calculations. The final object design is developed as adjustments made on the basis of these analyses. Once the design procedure has been completed, the computer -aided design system can generate the detailed drawings required to make the object.

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) involves the use of computer systems to assist in the planning, control, and management of production operations. This is accomplished by either direct or indirect connections between the computer and production operations. In the case of the direct connection, the computer is used to monitor or control the processes in the factory. Computer process monitoring involves the collection of data from the factory, the analysis of the data, and the communication of process-performance results to the plant management. These measures increase the efficiency of the plant. Computer process control entails the use of the computer system to execute control actions to operate the plant automatically, as described above. Indirect connections between the computer system and the process involve applications in which the computer supports the production operations without actually monitoring or controlling them. These applications include planning and management functions that can be performed by the computer (or by humans working with the computer) more efficiently than by humans alone. Examples of these functions are planning the step-by-step processes for the product, part programming in numerical control (NC), and scheduling the production operations in the factory.

Computer-integrated manufacturing includes all the engineering functions of CAD/CAM and the business functions of the firm as well. In an ideal CIM system, computer technology is applied to all the operational and information-processing functions of the company, from customer orders through design and production (CAD/CAM) to product shipment and customer service. The scope of the computer system includes all activities that are concerned with manufacturing. In many ways, CIM represents the highest level of automation in manufacturing.

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