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Task 4.

Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the Gerund.

  1. I don’t think the article is worth printing.

  2. The journalist went on selecting the information for the paper.

  3. This photographer succeeds in making portraits.

  4. We don’t like the way of covering the latest news in the periodicals.

  5. It is impossible to discuss a book without reading it.

  6. I must finish this article before meeting the editor.

  7. Having been carefully read and corrected, the text of the article contained no mistakes.

  8. The photographer is not interested in illustrating the periodicals.

  9. Can you remember having read the article before?

  10. The reporter is proud of having spoken to this outstanding person.

  11. The idea of printing probably came to Europe from China.


Task 1

Fill in the prepositions.

Education comes first. A degree in journalism, English or communications is beneficial for those wishing to pursue a career in journalism. In addition to helping you gain the necessary knowledge, many universities offer job placement services to new graduates and alumni. Some journalists are able to find employment without the benefit of a college degree, but most often, those jobs are at community newspapers or very small publications. If you are hoping to work for a large publication or production company, your best bet is a solid education. Attending journalism school, also called J-school, is an investment in your future. Publishers, especially those with worldwide recognition, will respect your commitment to getting a solid education. Since your salary will increase with each level of education that you complete, it is wise to look for employment with a mid-sized publisher after completing your bachelor's degree. At that education level, many employers will be able to meet your salary expectations, opening up a nice variety of options for your first job in journalism. As you continue to pursue an advanced degree, you will be making many valuable contacts through your work for future job opportunities. This combination of actively working your craft as you advance your education is your best recipe for success.

Task 2

Use the verbs in brackets in the Passive Voice.

1.Foreign correspondents are employed by a media sourse in one country and stationed in a foreign land.

2.Photojournalists are widely employed by all sources of media, including newspapers, magazines, and television.

3.They comprise what might be described as the theory of journalism.

4.Newspaper and magazine stories in the period from 1897 to 1927 were illustrated with engravings.

5.The departments of Journalism were created at some Universities and special schools and courses were organized.

6.The newspaper training is built around the newspaper in whicha journalist is employed.

7.The training is held under the supervision of the editor.

Task 3

Change the parts of the sentences using the Gerund.

1.My friend suggested that we should take a distance training course.

2.She could not even think that a new edition of the magazine might be


3.When the editor in chief entered the room, he glanced curiously around

4.I am told that you are very busy.

5.I remember that I have read this interview

6.Thank you that you helped me.

7. Just before I left the room, I was approached by a cub-reporter who asked me to

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