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Grammar in use

Task 1

Supply the blanks with the necessary prepositions.

  1. If you hope to work for a large publication or production company, your best bet is a solid education.

  2. Attending journalism school, also called J-school, is an investment in your future.

  3. ¾ of the workers in television and radio news say they are “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their jobs.

  4. Experience gained in TV and radio news is valuable for PR and media relations.

  5. There are plenty of career options (tv, radio, magazines, newspapers, books and then writing, editing, photography etc)in journalism.

  6. Since your salary will increase with each level of education that you complete, it is wise to look for employment with a mid-sized publisher after completing your bachelor’s degree.

  7. This combination of actively working craft as you advance your education is your best recipe for success.

Task 2

Underline the Infinitive and define its form.

  1. The journalists’ primary objective is to educate , entertain, inform.

  2. To be a good journalist you must have a great deal of curiosity.

  3. She doesn’t seem to be writing anything now.

  4. This reporter is unhappy to have failed his staff.

  5. To oversee all the operations is the primary purpose of the managing editor.

  6. He was very glad to have employed foreign reporters for his magazine.

  7. New sources of information are to be found.

  8. He seems to be reading something now.

  9. To pass the exams she reads many books about the practical principles of book editing.

  1. Indef. Active

  2. Indef. Active

  3. Cont. Active

  4. Perf .Active

  5. Indef. Active

  6. Perfect Active

  7. Indef. Passive

  8. Cont. Active

  9. Indef. Active

Task 3

Change the sentences so as to use the Participle.

  1. Turning slowly the interviewee went out of the room.

  2. When illustrating the periodicals they used many coloured pictures.

  3. I picked up the newspaper lying on the floor.

  4. The journal bought by my friend was an illustrated one.

  5. Having finished the article he gave it to the editor.

  6. I listened to the radio broadcasting the latest news.

  7. The article written by my friend is read with great interest.

  8. Having aroused the interest of a considerable number of readers the advertisement was published in the evening issue.

Task 6

Change the sentences and use Complex Subject.

  1. The programme is expected to be a success.

  2. This man is said to have occupied the position of a chief editor in “the Times” 15 years ago.

  3. That news was heard to spread very fast.

  4. The article is believed to have been written by a Foreign Correspondent.

  5. The language of the article turned out to be quite easy.


Task 1

Fill in the prepositions.

A journalist must be a model of competence himself. People often apply for his advice and help in difficult life situations. His honest position and objective information can help to solve a lot of problems and do much in bringing up the younger generation. To serve the interests of people is the main purpose of any good journalist. It is not so easy as it may seem at first. One should have courage to defend one’s point of view and to speak and write the truth about the facts and events going on around. In spite of all difficulties, responsibility and even danger in the work of a journalist I consider this profession to be one of the most romantic and want to connect my life with journalism.

Task 2

Open the brackets using Participles.

  1. Arriving (обст.врем) at the station, I gave a call to the editor.

  2. Having (обст.причины) plenty of time before the conference the reporters decided to check the photo equipment.

  3. Knowing ( обст.причины)English well he translated the article without a dictionary.

  4. He sat in the armchair reading (обст. Образа действия) a newspaper.

  5. While writing ( обст врем.) articles about important events it is necessary to give a detailed description.

  6. Having collected ( обст.врем.)all the material, he was able to write a report on the event.

  7. Being asked (прич.оборот, Past Participle) if he intended to return soon, he answered that he would be away for about 3 months.

  8. A read (Past Participle) newspaper was lying on the table.

Task 3

Translate the sentences into English.

  1. I like the articles written by this reporter.

  2. This is the interview which is being spoken so much about.

  3. I would like the article to be published today.

  4. I believe the interview will be ready for publishing in a couple of days.

  5. When he was given more time, he was able to translate the article.

  6. She was sitting in the armchair looking through newspapers.

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