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G rammar in use

You should realize you would be misunderstood if you fail to use the correct grammar patterns. Do the following exercises and check how successful you are by writing the test afterwards. The reference material will help you to make progress.

Task 1

Supply the blanks with the necessary prepositions.

  1. Journalism … Russia dates… …. the first handwritten Russian newspapers.

a) in, back, to b) at, back, to c) in, …, at

  1. Education gives future journalists the necessary background …. their profession.

a) for b) to c) in

  1. ….the Second World War, some departments ….journalism were established ….Universities … the basis … the Faculties of Philology.

a) after, at, …, on, of b) after, of, at, on, of c) at, in, at, at, of

  1. The largest center ….. the training …. journalists in Belarus is the Faculty of Journalism ... the Belarusian State University … Minsk.

a) at, in, at, in b) for, of, at, in c) for, of, at, in

  1. The central purpose …. journalism is to provide citizens …. accurate and reliable information they need to function …. a free society.

a) of, of, in b) in, with, for c) of, with, in

  1. Journalists rely …. a professional discipline …. verifying information.

a) on, for b) ….. at c) in, with

  1. There is a serious need …. top-quality editors.

a) in b) at c)for

Task 2 Study the reference material and examples to do the exercises, which follow.

В страдательном залоге подлежащее подвергается воздействию со стороны другого лица или предмета.






is built

was built

will be built





has been built

had been built

will have been built




is being built

was being built

При преобразовании из действительного залога в страдательный:

1) глагол в страдательном залоге ставят в том же времени, что и в действительном.

I read newspapers in the evening.

Newspapers are read in the evenings.

2) дополнение в действительном залоге становится подлежащим в страдательном и наоборот.

They shoot new programmes every month.

New programmes are shot every month.

3) дополнение с предлогом в страдательном залоге часто опускается, если оно выражено личным местоимением.

He showed me a new issue of the paper.

A new issue was shown to me (by him).

4) если сказуемое действительного залога выражено сочетанием глагола с инфинитивом, то в страдательном ему соответствует сочетание того же модального глагола с инфинитивом в страдательном залоге.

I can’t answer your question

Your question can’t be answered

Transform the following Active constructions into Passive ones.

  1. Our correspondent has reported an improvement in the situation.

  2. The Daily Mirror might release this news as a scoop tomorrow.

  3. The reporter will interview him at the airport.

  4. The Browns don’t read this tabloid.

  5. Lord Reith founded the BBC.

  6. They were shooting live broadcasting when I entered the studio.

  7. By the time they print the morning issue we will have broken the news by local TV.

  8. His report didn’t impress the audience.

Task 3

Transform the following Passive constructions into Active ones.

  1. Information about our local correspondents has been recently received.

  2. The article was strongly criticized by the editor.

  3. A visitor may be surprised at a great variety of morning and evening papers in England.

  4. The Financial Times has always been used by business circles for stock exchange data.

  5. Has this tabloid ever been printed in your city?- No, but it has been printed and circulated in the capital.

  6. The photographs of the young correspondent were not taken notice of by the visitors of the exhibition.

  7. The Times has always been used by The Establishment for announcements of births, marriages and deaths.

  8. The papers in towns are sold by elderly people in kiosks.

Task 4

Study the following grammar notes and examples to be able to do the exercises which follow.

Герундий – это неличная форма глагола, соединяющая в себе свойства существительного и глагола. Герундий имеет формы времени и залога.





being written


having written

having been written

Герундий может переводиться на русский язык сущесвительным, глаголом в личной форме или неопределенной формой глагола, деепричастием.

Герундий может служить в предложении:

  1. подлежащим

Reading is her favourite occupation.

  1. именной частью составного сказуемого

Her greatest pleasure is reading.

  1. частью составного глагольного сказуемого

He finished reading the book.

  1. прямым дополнением

I remember reading it.

  1. предложным косвенным дополнением

I am fond of reading.

  1. определением

I had the pleasure of reading in the newspaper of your success.

  1. обстоятельством

After reading the paper I put it into the drawer.

Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the Gerund.

  1. I don’t think the article is worth (to print).

  2. The journalist went on (to select) the information for the paper.

  3. We don’t like the way of (to cover) the latest news in the periodicals.

  4. It is impossible to discuss a book without (to read) it.

  5. I must finish this article before (to meet) the editor.

  6. The photographer is not interested in (to illustrate) the periodicals.

  7. Can you remember (to read) the article before?

8. The reporter is proud of (to speak) to this outstanding person.

9. The idea of (to print) probably came to Europe from China.

Task 5

Study the following grammar notes and examples to be able to do the exercises, which follow.

Модальные глаголы – это глаголы, которые выражают не действие или состояние, а отношение лица к действию или состоянию. Модальный глагол в сочетании с инфинитивом образует в предложении составное глагольное сказуемое. Модальные глаголы выражают значение возможности, необходимости, желательности и т.п.

Can/ could / (=to be able to) – выражают физическую или умственную способность

I can do it. (I am able to do it)

May/ might/ to be allowed to – выражает допущение возможности, разрешение совершить действие.

He said I might smoke here.

Must – выражает долженствование, необходимость

I must do it now

To have to – выражает вынужденную необходимость.

You will have to go there.

Should – выражает необходимость или совет.

You should not go there.

To be (to) – выражает необходимость, предусмотренную планом.

He was to attend the seminar.

Translate the sentences with the modal verbs and their equivalents.

  1. A journalist must keep his knowledge constantly up to date by reading newspapers and magazines.

  2. Will you be able to bring me a copy of The Times?

  3. This journalist can write his articles in English.

  4. He was allowed to publish his article in the central newspaper.

  5. The training of a journalist can be based within the newspaper itself or upon a university or college.

  6. Every journalist must have a personal sense of ethics and responsibility – a moral compass.

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