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XV.Answer the following questions using the information from the text.

1. How can victims be transported?

2. How long is the transit process?

3. What are the major destination countries of trafficking?

XVI.Match the words in bold from the text with the phrases below.

host country

open/not hidden

irregular migration

documented migration

undocumented alien

identity document


state of origin




XVII. Discuss the following questions with your partner.

1. What international legal documents on counteracting trafficking do you know?

2. What is the Tier system? Who introduced it and when?

Where does Ukraine belong in it?

3. Which Article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine deals with trafficking in human beings?

4. Which other Articles of the Ukrainian Criminal Code establish responsibility for committing crimes against women and children?

5. What do you know about the Prime Minister’s of Ukraine Decree # 410?

Which legal policy did it approve?

1. Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons; Convention 182 (on Elimination of Worst Forms of Child Labor); Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child; Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; the Beijing Platform of Action; the Hague Declaration; Convention against Transnational Organized Crime; etc.

2. Tier system is a system of placement of countries into three levels (tiers), according to the extent of the government’s actions to combat trafficking. There are three tiers. This system was created by the U.S. Department of State. Ukraine is in Tier 2 Watch List, according the Trafficking in Persons Report 2007.

3. 149.

4. 150, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 302, 303.

5. Signed by the Prime Minister of Ukraine on March 7, 2007, the Decree # 410 approved the State Program on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for the period until 2010.

XVIII. Read the following Articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine with the crimes they refer to. Can you give an e.G.

Article 143 Violation of procedures prescribed by law with regard to human organs or tissueArticle 143 transplantation

Article 149 Trafficking in human beings or other illegal agreement with regard to a person

Article 150 Exploitation of children

Article 152 Rape

Article 153 Violent unnatural gratification of sexual desire

Article 154 Compulsion to sexual intercourse

Article 155 Sexual intercourse with a sexually immature person

Article 156 Debauchery of minors

Article 202 Violation of business operation and banking procedures

Article 302 Creating or running brothels and pimping

Article 303 Prostitution and engaging in prostitution

XIX.Read the information about the state legal policy of counteracting trafficking in persons in Ukraine and answer the following questions.

1) When did the current Criminal Code of Ukraine enter into force?

2) What did it establish?

3) What international legal documents does it comply with?

4) Which category of crimes described in Article 149 of the Criminal Code refer to?

5) What are the aims of the State Program?

1) September 2001, 2) Criminal liability for trafficking, 3) Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children supplementing the U.N. Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and some other documents, 4) Grave crimes, 5) To counteract the growth of human trafficking and to establish a system to prevent these negative phenomena)