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X. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1.He thought the woman was satisfied with life as she had lived it, enjoying the pleasures and suffering the sorrows life brings. 2. They didn’t know many good families, of course, being the sort of class they were. 3. She spent a good deal of her time on clothes not ever being sure where true elegance lay. 4. Being an orphan at six, he was brought up by a distant relative. 5. Having admitted she loved him she was frightened. 6. Generally speaking, the problem is not so easy as it seems to be.

XI Translate what is given in brackets using an appropriate form of Participle I.

1. James hesitated for a moment (не розуміючи, що трапиться).

2. (Розповів все, що він знав) the witness left the box.

3. We stood on the bridge in the fog (очикуючи такси).

4. A new road will soon be built ( яка з’єднає завод з вокзалом).

5. (Узяв книгу с полиці) he sits down under the floor- lamp to read it.

6. (Повертаючись додому минулого вечору) he had a nasty accident.

7. I decided to go to bed (будучи дуже втомленою).

XII. Supply Pariciple I for the verb in brackets.

1. His smile showed a row of (flash) teeth.

2. (Call) the steward he ordered a tumbler of ice and a couple of glasses.

3. (Spend) a year at home she returned to Cobe with her husband.

4. He lay on his bed (smoke) a cigarette.

5. Suddenly there was a small (scrape) sound.

6. Gert walked into the kitchen and stood (face) Fieta.

7. (Leave) a nice sum of money by her parents she decided to leave her job.

8. It was an old woman (wear) glasses.

9. After that I started a small pensionnat out here (take in) rather old girls who wanted to study languages and other things.

XIII. Replace one of the homogeneous predicates by Participle I.

Model: The girls walked home and sang. - The girls walked home singing.

1. She looked at me smiled.

2. The children set and watch television.

3. The girl spoke and trembled.

4. The children ran about and shouted.

5. He turned over the pages of a book and looked at the pictures.

6. The man read a book and made notes from time to time.

XIV. Find the Participles and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Dressing myself as quickly as I could I go for a walk.

2. She came into the dressing- room to look for things belonging to their father and mother.

3. Mary stood for a time in silence, watching and listening.

4. Still looking at me, she shook her head while I was speaking.

5. I saw a passing shadow on her face.

6. He walked around, saying nothing.

7. Mary sat still looking at the writing.

8. We sat there talking about our pleasant old Canterbury days.

9. They ran to the steps leading down the water.

XV.Modal Verbs of Ability

Modal verbs are very common in English. Match the functions to the examples:

making an offer Could you help me?

describing an ability Can I help you?

making a request I can speak two languages.

Rearrange the words to make questions. Then decide whether each question is

a) making a request; b) making an offer; c) asking about an ability.

1. get you anything Could I get you anything? Can I get you anything?

2. confirm contact details ______________________ _____________

3. use software package _______________________ _____________

4. speak other languages ______________________ ______________

5. tell more about your present job________________ ____________

6. tell your current salary ______________________ _____________

7. let us know your decision ___________________ _____________

8. start your new job ________________________ ______________

9. like some more coffee ______________________ _____________