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Political system of great britain

Lexica- grammatical exercises

III. Pick out English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

- законодавчий орган

- обмежити владу

- успадкувати титул

- нащадок короля

- за заслуги перед державою

- за порадою уряду

- головувати

- основна ціль

- збройні сили

- запропонований законопроект

- ретельно розглянути і відкоригувати

- правлячий монарх

- захистити від свавільних дій

IV. Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right.

1. to protect

- a. to encourage in the ability to act, esp. with a good result

2. to inspire

- b. to use a power or right

3. to restrict

- c. to keep safe, by guarding or covering

4. to exercise

- d. to keep within limits

5. to inherit

- e. to tell of smth. bad that may happened

6. to appoint

- f. to declare firmly( when opposite)

7. to warn

- g. to choose for a position, to arrange, fix, decide

8. to insist

- h. to receive property, a title, etc. left by someone who has died

V. Answer the question.

1. Who is the official head of the state of Great Britain?

2. What is the main function of Parliament?

4. Which are the two chambers of the British Parliament?

5. Who is the executive branch headed by?

6. Who are “ hereditary peers” and “life peers”? How are life peers created?

7. What is the procedure of forming the government?

8. What is the work of government?

9. What is the highest judicial body?

VI. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. The English Royal Family have German origins, but they’ve been in England for five generations.

2. “God Save The King” was a patriotic song first publicly performed in London in 1745, which came to be referred to as the national anthem from the beginning of the 19- th century.

3. The Lords cannot normally prevent proposed legislation from becoming law if the Commons insists оn it.

4. The queen has always been subject to Value Added Tax and other indirect taxes and she has paid local rates (Council Tax) on a voluntary basis.

5. One of the main professional duties of civil servants is to shield their ministers from criticism in the House of Commons.

6. Each year the taxes are authorized by a Finance Act, which is based on the Budged presented by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in March.

7. Each government department is headed by two people: a political head that is usually the minister and administrative head from the Civil Service, called a Permanent Secretary.

8. The peers sit comfortably on their red leather benches as the MPs stand awkwardly huddled together below the bar while the Queen reads the throne speech, which outlines the Government's programme of legislation for the coming session.

9. The Speaker doesn't take part in the debates, and he doesn't vote at the end of them.

10. Members who wish to speak at any particular moment must stand up and “ try to catch the Speaker's eye”.

11. Elizabeth II, born April 21, 1926, is the eldest daughter of George VI and Elizabeth Bowes- Lyon .

VII.Choose the right variant.

1. A candidate who gets less than 55 of the total votes ______its deposit.

a) pointed b) offers c) dismissed d) loses

2. The former president _______the election to the opposing party.

a)conceded b)acknowledged c) admitted d) allowed

3. Members of the House of Commons _______ an annual salary.

a)sends b) receive c)call d) elect

4. The Conservatives ___ the general elections of 1979, 1983 and 1992

a) wins b) lost c) drawn d)won

5. When Black Rod arrives at the door of the House of Commons they _____it in his face to show their independence.

a) open b) break c) knock d) bang

6. Members of the House of Lords are not______ a salary, but they do receive travel expenses.

a) propose b) give c) chosen d) paid

7. Local government ______a local tax.

a) spend b) vote c) ask d) collect.

8. Armed services of the UK are _____ of volunteers.

a) take b) consist c) make d) made

9.The elector_____ just оne candidate оn the ballot paper and marks аn 'Х' bу the candidate's nаmе.

a)see b) choose c) write d) selects

10.His father was _____ MP for Cambridge City

a) voted b) stood c) worked d) elected