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IV. Listening practice

A. Listen to the following conversation and mark with “T (true)”, “F (false)”, “NG (not given” the following statements:

1. Robert applies for the position of an operation manager.

2. Inn is the personnel manager for Trans Am.

3. Appointing Derrick for the position of an operation manager is an easy matter.

4. Derrick is Robert’s brother-in-law.

5. Robert’s father works for Trans Am.

6. Robert was in Kenya.

7. Derrick was having a rest in Turkey when he got in an accident.

8. Derrick helped the people in the other car.

9. Derrick spent some months in prison.

10. Inn thought Derrick not to be the right man for the position of an operation manager.

11. The duties of an operation manager include handing passengers.

12. Robert managed to persuade Inn to give Derrick the possibility to try to go through the interview with the Administration Board.

13. Derrick’s father and Robert are good friends.

14. Inn was in Turkey together with Derrick.

15. It was Inn who helped Derrick out of jail.

B. Listen to the dialogue once again and translate it into Russian. Work in pairs. One student translates the words of Robert and the other translates the words of Inn.

V. Writing practice

Choose any of the given topics and write an essay (150 -180 words)

  1. Choices we make every day.

  2. Making decisions is not easy.

  3. Decisive and indecisive people.

VI. Revision test № 1

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Paula has given up…

a) to smoke b) smoking c) smoke

2. I promised…in time.

a) to come b) having come c) come

3.1 saw him yesterday. He seems…weight.

a) losing b) to have lost c) lose

4.1 don't enjoy…very much.

a) dance b) danced c) dancing

5. It was funny. I couldn't help…

a) laughing b) laugh c) to laugh

6. Would you mind… the door, please?

a) close b) closing c) closed


7. He is very good at…..

a) to learn b) learn c) learning

8. He is used …alone.

a) having lived b) to live c) to living

9. David insisted on…for the meal.

a) to pay b) pay c) paying

10. It is no use…about it.

a) worrying b) worry

you last week.

c) having seen

11. Ann was surprised…

a) see b) to see

12. Did you notice anyone…?

a) to go out b) go out c) went out

13.She was busy…the garden.

a) working b) to work c) to be working

14. I don’t enjoy…

a) driving b) drive c) drove

15. His mother made him the room.

a) to clean b) cleaning c) clean

16. Has it stopped…yet?

a) rain b) to rain c) raining

17 Can you remind me…some coffee?

a) to buy b) buy c) having bought

18 Why do you keep…me questions?

a) being asked b) asked c) asking

19 I refuse…his questions.

a) to answer b) answer c) having answered

20. The girl began… at night.

a) cry b) to cry c) having cried

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