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You must wear a helmet when you ride a motorbike.

1. I expect we'll get the contract because we offered the best price.

We offered the best price so we

2. It isn't necessary for us to spend a long time in the museum if it's not interesting. We

3. It was wrong of you to speak to my mother like that.



4. She promised to phone me before lunch. It's seven o'clock now.

She…………………………………………………by now.

5. I made far more sandwiches than we needed.

I……………………………………………so many sandwiches.

6. It's essential that my father doesn't find out what I've done.

My father

7. In my opinion it would be wrong for them to leave the house now.

I don't think they

8. My sister offered me a lift so it wasn't necessary for me to call a taxi.

As my sister offered me a lift……………………………………

Exercise 12. Match the two halves of these sentences.

1. She should be working

  1. She shouldn't stay in bed all day

  2. She shouldn't have fallen asleep

  3. She mustn't oversleep

  4. She doesn't have to get up yet

  5. She didn't need to rest

  6. She needn't have set the alarm clock

a when she was supposed to be working.

b because she woke up early anyway.

с but she's too tired.

d or she'll miss her interview.

e unless she's ill.

f if she's not going to work today.

g because she wasn't feeling tired.

Iy. Listening practice

1. Listen to the dialogue and make its translation into Russian (work in pairs)

2. Act the dialogue out.

  1. Writing practice

Choose any of the given topics and write an essay (150 -180 words)

  1. My Fantasy Job

  2. My Fantasy Day

  3. My Fantasy Life

VI. Revision test № 3

I. Fill in the blanks with active words and word combinations from the text.

1. Tom Berry was known … his dreams seriously and … his abilities.

2. It’s common knowledge that old habits … …., and fear of failure may … us from even trying something new.

3. He was quite an ordinary man and he never let his imagination fly beyond the … and …

4. People need determination to … the problems that are sure to arise in their everyday life.

5. Never let … of money or luck distress you.

6. He knew that the … of the eruption would be unpredictable and tried to do his best to save as many people as he could.

7. When Gail arrived in Kursk she tried to . .. in … with the manager of the company but unfortunately she failed to do it.

8 Very often our health and our life are the result of our …

9 If you want to be a success, set the … and do your utmost to achieve it.

10 Making a fresh start be resolute: let nothing … in the … of your fantasies.

II. Fill in the blanks with modals expressing obligation.

1. Deciding what to do and how to do it, we …learn to take our dreams seriously and to trust our abilities.

2. You …think carefully before you set off into something new.

3. You … waste time doing something you don’t want to do.

4. It was raining hard so we … take a taxi to go the airport.

5. We …to meet at five at the entrance, but Teddy didn’t come.

6. As I see the situation you … think carefully before setting off into this risky project.

  1. You … cross the street at the crossing.

  2. If you want to go to the university on foot, you … go down Park Lane and at the crossing you … turn to the right.

  3. They … come to school so early, classes begin only at 9 a.m.

  4. All students … obey university rules.

III. Choose the correct answer.

1. Нам пришлось уйти с футбольного матча, так как мы боялись опоздать на автобус.

A were to B had to C must D should

2. Мы должны встретиться с друзьями у стадиона в четыре часа.

A have to B are to C must D need

3. Студенты должны быть на занятиях в аудитории до того как прозвенит звонок.

A should B ought to C must D have to

4. Вам не следует пренебрегать замечаниями преподавателя и его рекомендациями.

A mustn’t B may not C needn’t D won’t

5. Вам не нужно покупать эту книгу, так как она есть в библиотеке.

A needn’t B mustn’t C don’t have to D are not to

6. По моему мнению, вы должны дополнительно заниматься языком, если хотите добиться хороших результатов на экзамене.

A must B are to C should D ought to

7. Учащимся запрещено покидать территорию школы и играть на улице.

A needn’t B mustn’t C are not to D have not to

  1. Нет никакой необходимости мыть это окно. Оно абсолютно чистое.

A needn’t B shouldn’t C mustn’t D don’t have to

  1. Я обязательно должен быть дома к трем часам.

A need to B must C should D had to

  1. Так как мои родители уезжают сегодня вечером, я должен быть дома в шесть.

A was to B must C should D have to

IY. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Прежде чем начать новое дело, ты должен научиться всерьез относиться к своим фантазиям и полагаться на свои способности.

2. Ты не должен позволить старым привычкам помешать тебе начать что-то новое.

3. На твоем пути обязательно встанут проблемы, и тебе понадобится решительность, чтобы решить их.

4. Не бойся дать волю фантазии, не беспокойся о недостатке денег, времени, квалификации или каких-либо других отрицательных факторах.

5. Не медли, наметь цель и иди к ней.

6. Лови момент, не позволяй проблемам, реальным или вымышленным, остановить тебя.

7. Если Вы определили цель, все продумали, спланировали и подготовили, не откладывайте свое начинание.

8. Помня о своих сильных и слабых сторонах, обновите старые и приобретите новые навыки.

9. Не берите на себя слишком много.

10. Отбросьте сомнения, используйте момент, и тогда удача Вам улыбнется.

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