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Unit I decisions, decisions grammar: Gerund or Infinitive?

I. Conversation practice

  1. Spoken Etiquette


What about...? = How about…?

Would you like to...?

Why don't you...?

Why not + infinitive?

Would you care to...?

Come and...

Won't you...?

Yes I will/would.

That sounds a nice idea!

I'd like nothing better!

I'd love to!

I won't say no.

That's really most kind of you.

I wish I could!

Thank you, but...

I'm very sorry, but I can't.

Sorry, I can't. But thanks anyway.


Could you ..., please?

Could I ask you to...?

Could you possibly...?

Can you...?

Would you ..., please?

Please, don’t forget about/to …

Would you, please, remember...?

Would you mind + gerund?

May I remind you of...?

Of course, I don't mind.

Why not.

No problem.

I don't mind it at all.

I'm willing.

I don’t think I can.

I don't really want to...

I'd rather not.

  1. Read and act out the dialogues. Make up dialogues of your own.


– I’m going to visit the new swimming pool. Would you care to join me?

- I won’t say no.


- Could you possibly help my brother with mathematics?

- Why not.


- Could I ask you to translate this article?

- I’m very sorry but I can’t.


- How about visiting the university English language club?

- That sounds a nice idea!


- Would you turn off the radio?

- I'd rather not. I’m going to listen to the latest news.


- Why not call Tom and ask him to help us?

- I wish I could! I’ve lost his telephone number. Would you, please find it for me?

- No problem. Please, don’t forget to remind me of it when we come to the office. His phone number is in my computer there.

  • It’s a deal!

  1. Complete the dialogues:

  • How about visiting Jane together?

  • Please, don’t forget about your promise to help Bob.

  • Would you please remember his name and telephone number?

  • Would you mind our joining you?

  • May I remind you of your promise to help me with this article?

  1. Questions for Conversation (work in pairs)

1. Do you make up your mind quickly or are you one of the life’s ditherers?

2. Have you ever had to make an important decision that had a long-term impact on your life?

3. At what age did you begin to take responsibility for yourself?

4. Have you got the so-called “gut feeling”? Has it ever helped you?

5. Do you agree that there is an element of chance in every decision?

6. Do you long feel upset if you make a wrong decision?

  1. Role Plays.

A. You and your group mate are invited to a birthday party. It is always so difficult to choose the right present. You have come to the biggest city department store to buy a birthday present for your friend. How will you do it? (use as many etiquette phrases as possible).

B. You are trying to persuade your friend to apply for a position in a big trade company. He is a very indecisive person and can’t dare to come before the Administration Board, though he is the right man for the job: he is intelligent, professionally skilled, hardworking and punctual, he is honest and is easy-going (use as many etiquette phrases as possible).

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