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International_Management_Course_Answers с. 29.doc
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  1. What are the positive and negative aspects of a Parent Country National?

• Control over the subsidiaries

• Share a common culture and educational background

• Facilitate communication and coordination with corporate headquarters

• Lack of knowledge regarding country’s economic development, culture, legal system, and political process

• Very expensive to both relocate and maintain (expatriates—people working and residing in their non-native countries)

• Legal restrictions imposed by many countries as to the number of foreign employees that can be employed

  1. Discuss the statement that most expatriate selection decisions are made informally.

  2. What are the challenges faced in training expatriate managers?

  3. What organizational factors have an impact on expatriate’s cross-cultural adjustment?

  4. What are the main objectives of a multinational Company’s compensation policy?

  5. Describe the main differences between the different methods used to determine the expatriate’s base salary.

a. Balance Sheet Approach. This is the most commonly used approach. It entails developing a total compensation package that equalizes the purchasing power of the expatriate with that of employees in similar positions in the home country and provides incentives to offset the inconveniences of the relocation. The employee starts with a set of costs for taxes, housing, goods and services, and saving (reserve) in the home country. In the host country, these costs are higher. The company must then make up for the difference between costs in the home and costs in the host country. On top of this, the company must provide a premium/incentive for the employee to go through the trouble of the relocation. This approach is particularly recommended when expatriates come back home directly after their assignment and works well when expatriates originate from the same home country.

b. Host-based Approach. The host-based approach calculates the base salary relating to the host-country standards. Typical allowances will also be added in order to create a fair compensation package. This method reduces the inequality between expatriates coming from different locations and working in the same area, as well as the inequity between local employees and expatriates. But such system is only effective if the country of destination have relatively high wages, because it is easier to convince individuals to accept pay scales that are greater than what they would have otherwise. This approach is principally used by companies which have little need for expatriation.

c. International Approach. The international approach tries to create an equitable system among all international employees. This method begins with a common point of reference for expatriates who receive equivalent pay and benefits regardless of their country of destination. This approach is more easily applicable when the international employees are career internationalists and move from one foreign assignment to another. This approach is often more costly and is used by companies needing as small number of global managers.

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