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International_Management_Course_Answers с. 29.doc
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  1. Which needs must be satisfied by culture? Briefly explain each and provide examples.

    1. Communication, because each person needs it in order to exchange experience, to receive someone help, to spend good time

    2. Family, because from ancient times it was much more easily to live out, each person needs people which will support, don’t betray and to have “пристанище”

    3. Educational needs, because everybody want to receive desalinized knowledge’s in certain field in order to use them in his life and receive money

    4. Aesthetical need, everybody tends to nice, beautiful in order to обогатить себя

    5. Relational, because we need to explain our life events, we need to have our internal drivers, we need to understand who we are

    6. Self-actualization needs, some people need to show oneself in all his life spheres to be the most fluent person, to have perfect knowledges in some fields, to be on the highest steps o job stairs.

  1. Present culture and its elements. Provide examples and relate them to international business.

Culture gives people a sense of who they are, of belonging, of how they should behave, and of what they should be doing. Culture impacts behavior, morale, and productivity at work as well, and it includes values and patterns that influence company attitudes and actions. Culture is often considered the driving force behind human behavior everywhere.

Main elements:

- Material Culture

- Language

- Aesthetics

- Religion

- Social Institutions


- Dress and Appearance. Many subcultures wear distinctive clothing: the formal look for business, the jeans of the youth throughout the world, and uniforms that segregate everyone from students to police, to .remen, to military generals. In the military subculture or microculture, customs and regulations determine the dress of the day, length of hair, and equipment to be worn;

- Communication and Language. English is used “link” language that is understood by two parties who speak different languages. For example, Japan-based Sony and Matsushita use English in their work abroad. Physical gestures, for example, often convey different meanings in different cultures: in Europe it is norm when woman shake hand to man, but not in Asia;

- Sense of Self and Space. The comfort one has with oneself can be expressed differently according to each culture. For example, Americans and the British have a sense of space that requires more distance between individuals, while Latins, Arabs, and the Vietnamese stand closer together;

- Food and Feeding Habits. The manner in which food is selected, prepared, presented, and eaten often differs by culture. For example, one man’s pet could be another person’s delicacy. For instance, pork, which is widely consumed by the Chinese, is forbidden in Muslim and Jewish cultures;

- Time and Time Consciousness. Sense of time differs by culture; some are exact and others are relative. Generally, Germans are precise about the clock, , time is a valuable and limited resource and when others do not come in time they lose their patience, while many Latins are more casual;

- Relationships. This refers to social structure, which embodies a culture’s fundamental organization including its groups and institutions, its system of social positions and their relationships, and the process by which its resources are distributed. The family unit is the most common expression of this characteristic.

For example, in Middle East countries parthers relate to each other better, if they know that person has family;

- Gender. For example greater gender

equality prevails in the United States, Australia, Canada, and Germany, but in countries operating under Islamic laws like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afganistan there is contrary relationship to women in business.

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