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5. Translate sentences into English using words and word combinations from the Vocabulary Notes.

1) Серед великого розмаїття пошукових програм ми обираємо ту, яка нам найбільше підходить. 2) За допомогою мережі Інтернет ми можемо отримати безліч відповідей на наш запит. 3) Зараз послуга підключення до інтернету через телефонну лінію є застарілою і майже не використовується. 4) Тепер ми миттєво підключаємося до мережі за допомогою широкосмугового зв’язку. 5) Користувачі інтернету мають необмежений доступ до інформаційних ресурсів, інтерактивної співпраці та до передачі різних файлів. 6) Незважаючи на велику кількість програм, створених щоб протистояти зламу особистих файлів, проблема захисту особистої інформації в мережі інтернет все ще залишається невирішеною.

6. Make up sentences from the following words and word-groups:

Model: steps, manufacturing, development, several, had, in, automated, its. - Automated manufacturing had several steps in its development.

1) by, traffic, private, which, is owned, the Internet backbone, companies, Internet, flows, through. 2) be, to take, the latest, on, software can, advantage, a, computer, of, access, installed, client, technology. 3) e-mail, is, college, in, deployed, accessing, widely, most, Telnet accounts. 4) any, got, in, to enter, beginning, have, browser, you, the, like, we. 5) best, or, our, whatever, after, our, keep, choose, we, results, we, site, matches, simply, query, searching, get. 6) from, also, mail, data, can, can get, the Internet; we, one, and, receive, e-mail, besides, send, or, electronic. 7) can, networks, you, different, e-mail, travel, when, massage, through ,many your, and, send, computers.

Grammar in Use Conditionals

1. Write down the following sentences using the II and III conditionals. Translate them.

Model: If my parents buy me a computer, I’ll be pleased. – If my parents bought me a computer, I would be pleased. – If my parents had bought me a computer, I would have been pleased.

1. If you use computers in the university, you will know about the Internet. 2. Unless you learn to use the Internet, you will not be able to send e-mails. 3. If you have a computer at home, you will use it to make new friends. 4. If you join an emailing list, you will be able to chat with people all over the world.

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. If Bill Gates hadn’t invented Windows software, he (may not to become) a millionaire. 2. If I (to live) in 1703, I shouldn’t have had a computer. 3. If you wrote the computer program correctly, you (to get) an excellent mark. 4. If they (to use) computer for their computations, they would have saved time. 5. If we don’t have such interpreted languages as Perl, we (not to offer) extreme power to the user. 6. Computers can deal with different kinds of problems if they (to give) the right instructions for what to do. 7. If you (to press) the mouse button here, you can size the window. 8. If the user tries to pick up something, the computer (to make) the object follow the hand to give the illusion of carrying it. 9. If you clicked on the Minimize button, the window (to shrink) to an icon at the bottom of the screen. 10 If I were you, I (to buy) the modem. 11. If you could make educational software as absorbing as games software and teach at the same time, this (to be) ideal.