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3. Complete the sentences:

1) The principal direction of the present-day scientific and technological progress consists in… . 2) Automation may be defined as … . 3) The integral parts of automation are … . 4) In mechanization the function of the direct effect on the object of labour was transferred to … . 5) The automation of production enables man to … . 6) The mechanized and automated production lines replace … . 7) Modern means of automation make it possible to link up in a single complex … . 8) Comprehensive automation calls for … . 9) Now the main trend in automation is … . 10) Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) are regarded by many experts as … .

4. Answer the questions:

1) What is the principal direction of the present-day scientific and technological progress? 2) Can one imagine technical progress today without automation? 3) What is automation? 4) Did the words "automation", "automatic control" appear recently or long ago? 5) What is the difference between mechanization an automation? 6) What are the integral parts of automation? 7) What does modern automation mean? 8) What is the basis of automation? 9) What is the economic effect of automation?

5. Find as quickly as possible and read out the sentences containing the following important information:

  • automatic control;

  • integral parts of automation;

  • industrial application of automation;

  • economic effect of automation.

*6. Try to tell the gist of the text.

Word Study

1. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following.

Nowadays, principal, direction, to consist, mechanized forms of work, some decades ago, throughout the world, branch of science, integration, parts of automation, automatic assembly, extension, qualitatively new step, radical changes, the principal agent, maintaining, mechanical device, to enable, to lighten the work, tremendous, means of automation, output, creative work, demands of industry.

2. Give English equivalents of the following.

Головний напрямок, технологічний прогрес, механізовані форми роботи, рідко, визнавати в усьому світі, незалежна галузь науки, єдиний процес, якісно новий крок, радикальні зміни, об’єкт праці, з появою автоматизації, психологічні функції, підприємство, механізовані та автоматизовані виробничі лінії, полегшувати роботу, щорічно, торгові та транспортні підприємства, засоби автоматизації, системи контролю, обладнання, вимагати, компенсувати витрати, творча робота, вимоги промисловості, застосування гнучких автоматизованих систем.

3. Match the words in a with their synonyms in b:


Principal work

Seldom publications

Independent rarely

Mechanism comprehensively

tremendous number to call for

articles main

job free

absolutely device

to demand great amount

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box in the appropriate form.

To lighten/automatic assembly/ FM/, automatic control/ to retain/ to demand

1) … is a progressive independent branch of science and engineering. 2) The integral parts of automation are: transfer machining, …, communication engineering and control engineering. 3) The man … the functions of control, regulation, maintaining machines and direct intervention in production process. 4) The mechanized and automated production lines … the work of a tremendous number of workers. 5) The comprehensive automation … material inputs and time. 6) The experts consider the … to be the future of the automated factory.