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Англійська Посібник КСМ.doc
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Vocabulary Notes

to edit – редагувати

memo – повідомлення, пам’ятка

to manage- керувати, управляти, організовувати процес (координувати)

to occur [q'kW]відбуватися, траплятися

to completeзавершувати, закінчувати

simultaneously ["sIm(q)l'teInslI]одночасно

multitaskingвиконання значної кількості завдань одночасно

to terminate - завершувати

termination – завершення

to reclaim – відновлення

a request [rI'kwqst] запит

to allocate – розміщувати

allocation - розміщення

to access ['xkses] отримати (мати)доступ

to assess ['xses] оцінювати

initial commitmentпервинне встановлення

to adoptприймати, переймати, засвоювати

to evaluateоцінювати, обчислювати, визначати якість

to willзаставляти, примушувати

to expandрозширювати, розповсюджувати

concurrently [kqn'kAr(q)ntlI]одночасно

to bootпочаткове завантаження системи, самозавантаження


to reside [rI'zaId]постійно зберігатися

to exceed [Ik'sJd]– переповнювати, перегружати

to retainутримувати в пам’яті, акумулювати


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1) A computer system is built from three general components: the hardware, the software, and the applications. 2) When you purchase a computer system, you must have at least hardware. 3) When you turn on your computer, the operating system performs a series of tasks, presented here in chronological order. 4) Various pieces of hardware need to be deleted. 5) When an executing process needs to use some hardware, the operating system provides access for the process. 6) All computers use the same operating systems. 7) The cost of software is likely to be higher in such circumstances as the development costs are spread over a greater number of users, both actual and potential. 8) An operating system is stored on disk and has to be booted into the internal memory (RAM) where it must reside through processing so that commands are instantly available.

2.Choose the right answer:

1) A computer system is built from such components:

a) monitor and keyboard;

b) the hardware, the operating system, and the applications;

c) printer and scanner.

2) One of the first things you do, after successfully plugging together cables and components, is … .

a) turn on your computer;

b) turn off your computer;

c) house your computer.

3) After the start-up procedure is … , the operating system awaits further instructions.

a) began;

b) running;

c) complete.

4) After the operating system completes … initialization, you can execute an application.

a) software;

b) hardware;

c) firmware.

5) Many processes can exist simultaneously. This process is referred to as … .

a) multitasking;

b) outputting;

c) processing.

6) The operating system allocates available … to the different processes that are running.

a) records;

b) resources;

c) facilities.

7) … requires a powerful operating system.

a) PC;

b) desktop computer;

c) multiprogramming

3. Complete the sentences.

1) The hardware includes pieces such as … . 2) The operating system is the component that on one side … and … and on the other … . 3) The hardware you purchase is able to use (or run) one or … . 4) The operating system is necessary in order … . 5) The executing application is called … . 6) It is therefore important to assess the operating system used on a particular model before … because some software is only designed to run under the control of … . 7) Mainframe computers usually process … .