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Vocabulary Notes

replace — замінювати

semi-automatic ['semI"Ltq'mxtIk] — напівавтоматичний;

lathe [leID] — токарний верстат; employ застосовувати, використовувати;

load — навантажувати;

confine [kqn'faIn] — обмежувати;

skilled [skIld] — кваліфікований;

setting — регулювання, вмикання, встановлення;

maintaining — обслуговування;

transfer-machine — автоматична складальна лінія;

extensive [Iks'tensIv] — обширний;

industrial engineer [In'dAstrIql "enGI'nIq] — інженер-технолог;

manufacturing ["mxnju'fxkCqrIN] — виробництво;

assembly [q'semblI] line — складальний конвеєр;

conveyer [kqn'veIq] belt — стрічка конвейера;

increase [In'krJs] — збільшувати;

efficient [I'fISqnt] — ефективний, продуктивний;

coin — утворювати нові слова;

advance [qd'vRns] — прогрес;

valve [vxlv] — клапан;

refining [rI'faInIN] — очищення, підвищення якості;

chain-drive ланцюговий привід, передача.


1. Tell what sentences are true and what are false.

1) In so far as automation replaces human muscle by mechanical power, it continues a process of mechanization which has begun just now. 2) Semiautomatic machines were invented at the beginning of the 21-st century. 3) The transfer-machine in engineering combines automatic machining with automatic transfer between operations, so that all loading and unloading is done by human muscles except at the beginning and end of the line. 4) Automation is a word coined in the 1940s to describe processes by which people do tasks previously performed by machines. 5) Windmills had been made to turn by taking advantage of changes in the water by means of devices that worked automatically. 6) A later development was human-controlled automation of assembly line manufacturing, especially those in which quality control was an important factor. 7) Mass production refers to manufacturing processes in which an assembly line, usually a conveyer belt moves the product to stations where each worker performs an unlimited number of operations.

2. Choose the right answer:

1). How does automation replace human muscle?

a) by physical power;

b) by mechanical power;

c) by electrical power.

2). When were semiautomatic machines invented?

a) just now;

b) before the Industrial Revolution;

c) in the 1940s;

d) early in the history of mechanization.

3). What is the best and most recent example in engineering?

a) lathe;

b) valve;

c) transfer-machine;

d) conveyer belt.

4). When did the word automation coin?

a) in the Middle Ages;

b) in the 1940s;

c) in the twentieth century.

5). Where was automation first applied?

a) in continuous-process manufacturing;

b) in machine building;

c) in food industry.

3. Complete the sentences:

1) In so far as automation replaces human muscle by mechanical power … . 2) Semiautomatic machines were, for instance, … . 3) They have greatly widened the range of … . 4) Perhaps the best and most recent example of automatic machines is … . 5) Mass production refers to … . 6) One of the factors for the industrial engineer to consider is … . 7) Automation is a word … . 8) During the Middle Ages, windmills had been made to … . 9) A later development of automation was … .

4. Answer the questions:

1) When did the process of mechanization begin? 2). Describe the first machines. 3).When were semi-automatic machines invented? How did they work? 4). How did technical development continue? 5).What machine combines automatic machining with automatic transfer between operations? 6).In what spheres of mechanization do extensive developments take place?

5. Find as quickly as possible and read out the sentences containing the following important information:

  • semiautomatic machines

  • the word ‘automation’

  • application of automation

*6. Try to tell the gist of the text.

Word Study

1. Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following.

Human muscle; loading and unloading of machines; mechanical power; automatic transfer; physical tasks; to extensive developments; unskilled work; the range of operations, major advance; to do tasks; limited number of operations; performed by people; to increase productivity; automatic valves; industrial engineer; by means of devices; manufacturing process; making petrochemicals; computer-controlled automation.

2. Give English equivalents of the following.

Механічна сила, фізична робота, кваліфікована робота, напівавтоматичні машини, обмежувати, обслуговування машин, розширювати діапазон операцій, механізувати навантаження та розвантаження, автоматична складальна лінія, обробка матеріалів, механічне складання, стрічка конвеєра, в цілому чи частково, парові двигуни, автоматичні клапани, вітряк, за допомогою пристроїв, довготривале виробництво, очищення бензину, контроль якості.

3. Match the words in A with their synonyms in B:


human start

power fulfill

begin type

perform qualified

for instance as a rule

kind person

skilled force

usually for example

great idea

refining extreme

thought clearing

4. Fill in the gaps with the words from Vocabulary Notes in the appropriate form.

Assembly line/ to coin/ semiautomatic/ to confine/ manufacturing/ lathes/to perform

1) Semiautomatic machines … human operator to the unskilled work of loading and unloading, and the skilled work of setting and maintaining machines. 2) The … were widely employed in engineering. 3) Mass production refers to manufacturing processes in which an …, usually a conveyer belt moves the product to stations where each worker … a limited number of operations. 4) … machines were invented early in the history of mechanization. 5) Automation is a word … in the 1940s to describe processes by which machines do tasks previously performed by people. 6) Automation was first applied to industry in continuous-process … such as refining petroleum, making petrochemicals, and refining steel.