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III. Read the text and summarise it using the words in bold type.

IV. Translate into Russian the items in brackets.

V. Answer these questions (use the words in bold type).

1.Why is a strong government better?

2. What factors contributed to a special standing of Britain in the club of nation?

3. Were there any spheres flawed by the narrowness of vision at the top?

4. How much did the leader personality matter?

5. Was the degree of M. Thatcher dominance great?

6. Was she modest about her own importance?

7. Were the members of her cabinet distinguished?

8. What was her personal contribution to the economic management?

9. How far did her belief in her righteousness go?

10. In what way was her pragmatism manifest?

11. Her populism was ambiguous, wasn't it?

VI. 1) Explain in English the meaning of the words and phrases:

the perception of Britain undoubtedly changed (1); amazement at her sex evolved into astonishment at her survival (2); into the changing scenery of the later eighties, in short, Britain did not easily fit (3); whatever qualities she lacked, dominance was not one of them (4); she took charge of problems large and small (5); all leaders lay claim to higher purposes (5).

2) Find in the text synonyms to the words and phrases:

to charm somebody (2); to explain something (5); devotion (5); impossible to understand (5); bad knowledge of smb. (6).

3) Find in the text antonyms to the words and phrases:

economic plight (1); a merit (4); to take charge of smth. (6).

4) Find in the text equivalents to the following Russian words and phrases:

по всей вероятности (1); сохранение мира (1); отвечать за судьбу страны (1); отстаивать принципы (1); самым выгодным образом (2); нанести последний визит (3); в мировом масштабе (3); предмет постоянных дискуссий (3); не говоря уже о власти (4); можно было бы без преувеличений сказать (5); единство цели (7).

5) Translate into Russian:

enhanced the reputation of the country (1); the club of nations (1); to stand up for what one believes in (2); watchful respect (2); narrowness of vision at the top (2); to resist the inescapable consequence: that Europe must draw closer (3); she was not perceived as understanding them (7).

VII. Write an essay and discuss the following topics:

  • The components of respect for Britain and its Prime Minister.

  • Two particular characteristics in Thatcher political activity.

  • The contradictory relations with the nation Thatcher led for 11 years.

List of Names

Amis, Sir Kingsley (1922—95), — English novelist, whose works take a humorous yet highly critical look at British society, especially in the period following the end of World War II in 1945.

Armstrong Robert, Baron Armstrong of Ilminster (b. 1927), — British civil servant, cabinet secretary in M.Thatcher's government.

Asquith, Herbert Henry (1852-1928), — British statesman, prime minister before and during World War I.

Attlee, Clement Richard, 1st Earl Attlee (1883-1967), - British statesman, who as the head of his country's first majority Labour government, established Britain's welfare state in the years after World War II.

Brown, George (1818-80), — Canadian journalist and politician who was committed to federalism and to weakening the powers of the French Roman Catholic Church in Canada.

Brzezinski Zbigniew Kazunierz (b. 1928), — political scientist specializing in international relations who served (1977—81) as national security advisor under the Carter administration.

Butler, R(ichard) A(usten), Baron Butler of Saffron Walden (1902-82), — Conservative politician, known as Rab Butler, who, during and after World War II, greatly influenced the development of the British educational system.

Callaghan Leonard James (b. 1912), — The British politician was leader of the Labour party from 1976 to 1980 and prime minister of the United Kingdom from 1976 to 1979.

Carrington Peter Alexander Rupert, 6th Baron Canington (b. 1919), — British Conservative politician, defense secretary 1970-74, foreign secretary 1979-82.

Carter James Earl (b. 1924), - served from 1977 to 1981 as the 39th president of the United States.

Castle Barbara (b. 1911), — Baroness Castle, British Labour politician, a cabinet minister in the labour governments of the 1960s and 1970s, one of the most influential female members of Britain's Labour Party.

Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer (1874-1965), — British politician and Prime Minister of Great Britain (1940-45, 1951-55), widely regarded as Britain's greatest 20th-century statesman, and celebrated for his national leadership during World War II.

Corot Jean Baptiste Camille (1796-1875), — one of the greatest 19th-century French landscape painters.

Cosgrave Patrick John (b. 1941) — writer, adviser to Mrs.Margaret Thatcher (1975-79).

Demosthenes (384—322 BC), — greatest orator of ancient Greece, who led the Athenian opposition to Macedonia.

Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield (1804-81), — British writer, statesman, and Prime Minister (1868 and 1874-80), who for more than three decades exerted a profound influence on British politics and Victorian Britain, and left an enduring stamp on the Conservative Party.

Douglas-Home, Sir Alec (1903—95), — Conservative prime minister of Britain in 1963-64.

Forsyth, Frederick (b. 1938), — English thriller writer. His books include The Day of the Jackal 1970, The Dogs of War 1974, The Fourth Protocol 1984.

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