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      1. Ex. 7. Do you like reading books? What kind of books do you like to read?

Ex. 8. Discuss the following. Express your own opinion on the subject. Speak about your ideas on poetry in modern life. Here are some phrases to help you.

That’s right. Exactly. I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. Just the reverse. Quite the contrary. I doubt that.

1.Poetry is suitable for girls. 2.Few people read poetry. 3.Few people buy collections of poems. 4.Life in all its forms can be the theme of poetry. Arts and music do not matter very much in our (everyday life). 5.We always turn to poetry to express our feelings. Nobody is interested in poetry nowadays.

Ex. 9. Learn the proverbs and sayings, explain their meaning in English:

1. Art is long , life is short - Искусство вечно, (а) жизнь коротка.

2. Every man has his hobby –horse. – У всякого свой конек

3. Tastes differ – О вкусах не спорят

4. The busiest man finds most leisure. – Самый занятой человек

находит больше всего досуга

Ex. 10. Suggested topics for discussion.

1. My leisure time.

2. I plan an evening out.

3. A visit to the theater.

4. My favorite film.

5. My grandmother is fond of TV serials.

6. Clubs and societies in Kazakhstan.

Learning recommendations:

Class activity: In this unit of the course book students are supposed to get introduced with the new material: read the text, translate into their native language, summarize in English, complete post-reading tasks and grammar exercises, discuss new speech topics, compose monologues and dialogues in the class.

Home task: Students are assigned to find out additional short information about specific topic of the unit, complete grammar exercises, prepare reports given by the teacher.


1. Учебно-методический комплекс для студентов 1 курса неязыковых специальностей, М.Ж. Тусупбекова, А.М. Мухтарханова, 2008, Астана, _____стр.


Задания и вопросы промежуточного контроля

I семестр

I блок.

Используйте конструкцию There is(not)/ there are (not),

there was (not)/ there were (not).

  1. Look!…..their telephone number in the letter.

  1. there is

  2. there are

  3. there was

  4. there were

  5. there were not

  1. …… a football match on TV last night.

  1. there is

  2. there was

  3. there were

  4. there are

  5. there were not

  1. ……. many people at the meeting yesterday?

  1. is there

  2. are there

  3. was there

  4. were there

  5. wasn’t there

  1. This box is empty,….. nothing in it.

  1. there is

  2. there are

  3. there is not

  4. there are not

  5. there was not

Найдите значение следующих слов.

5. тезка

  1. middle name

  2. namesake

  3. nickname

  4. maiden name

  5. pet name

6. семейный человек

  1. a bachelor

  2. family man

  3. an orphan

  4. a spinster

  5. a widower

7. мачеха

  1. aunt

  2. mother

  3. stepmother

  4. niece

  5. grandmother

8. директор, заведующий

  1. interpreter

  2. teacher

  3. typist

  4. manager

  5. waiter

  1. выйти замуж (жениться)

  1. marry into a family

  2. a love match

  3. get married

  4. consider marriage

  5. marry for love

Какое словосочетание не относится к категории “Relations”.


  1. distant relative

  2. native town

  3. the only child

  4. Godfather

  5. A grown up son

Какое слово не относится к категории “Marriage”.


  1. fall in love

  2. wedding ring

  3. the only living relative

  4. honey moon

  5. get a divorce

Какое слово не относится к теме “Appearance”.


  1. stocky

  2. slender

  3. slim

  4. stooping

  5. solitary

Какое слово не относится к теме “Gait (walk)”.


  1. Steady

  2. swaggering

  3. snuffling

  4. sultry

  5. swaying

Какое слово не относится к теме “Face Features”.


  1. snub

  2. secure

  3. shaggy

  4. sparse

  5. stubby

Какое слово не относится к теме “Eyes”.


  1. blue

  2. brown

  3. black

  4. bulging

  5. barbed

Какое слово не относится к теме “Hair”.


  1. blond

  2. barrel

  3. brown

  4. brunette

  5. bald

  1. barbed

Какое слово не относится к теме “Finger”.


  1. thumb

  2. flaxen

  3. forefinger

  4. ring finger

  5. middle finger