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Пойман за башмак.

Мистер Ватсон собирался закрыть свой магазин, когда в него вошел мужчина в прекрасно сшитом костюме и попросил показать ему пару дорогих туфель. Мистеру Ватсону показалось, что он уже где-то видел этого человека; и вдруг он вспомнил, что видел это лицо по телевизору. Это был находящийся в розыске преступник (wanted criminal).

Мужчина примерил несколько пар туфель и купил одну пару, которую мистер Ватсон особенно рекомендовал ему.

“Туфли мне немного малы,” пожаловался мужчина, но мистер Ватсон заверил его, что они очень скоро растянутся (stretch).

На следующий день, как и ожидал мистер Ватсон, тот же мужчина, хромая, вошел в магазин. Сразу же он был окружен полицией. Мистер Ватсон специально продал преступнику пару туфель, которые были на размер меньше, зная, что он придет вернуть их в магазин на следующий день.

Ex. 9. Compose dialogues using the key words for the situations given below.

a) you are in Almaty in a shop buying a pair of slacks for your brother (advise, look for, size, color, have in mind, material, a mixture,- cotton and silk and nylon, crease proof, latest, style, cheaper).

b) Two friends in a gift shop choosing a birthday present for their mutual friend (a desk set, ornamental but practical, durable, last forever, too expensive, can not afford, another suggestion, water0color, match, sitting0room).

c) Mother and son, buying a long suit for him (light-weight woolen, shrink, show dirt, fit, become, match, too light, less expensive).

Ex. 10. Expand the situations introduced by the opening phrases:


A: I am afraid these gloves do not match. They are a shade too dark.

B: that is all right. We will just step over to the leather goods counter and pick the right shade.


A: What would you like to see?

C: I would like to see your overcoats, please.


C: Can I look at that calendar, please?

A: Which one?


      1. C: How much is that box of drawing clips?

A: 25 cents. Anything else?


C: How much will it be all in all?

A: Let us see. That will come 40.53.

Ex. 11. Dramatize the situation.

a) Husband and wife in the supermarket shopping for a a week's supply of food.

b) At the butcher's, the customer wants to buy various kinds of meat, but can not afford to spend too much money.

c) Advise your new neighbor on the best food stores in the area.

  1. Advise your newly-wed daughter on the clever spending of the housekeeping money.

Topics for oral composition.

  1. Do you remember your first purchase? Talk about it.

  2. Speak about your most successful and satisfying shopping outing.

  3. Do you prefer to go shopping in supermarkets or in small shops? Why?

  4. Describe your favorite food store/department store.

  5. Describe the shopping centers in your vicinity.

  6. Describe a disastrous shopping tour in your life.

  • When did you buy your first present for your father/mother?

  • Tell how you bought your favorite shoes.

  • What is the best place for shopping foods and goods in your city? Why?

  • What is the best time for shopping? Why?

Learning recommendations:

Class activity: In this unit of the course book students are supposed to get introduced with the new material: read the text, translate into their native language, summarize in English, complete post-reading tasks and grammar exercises, discuss new speech topics, compose monologues and dialogues in the class.

Home task: Students are assigned to find out additional short information about specific topic of the unit, complete grammar exercises, prepare reports given by the teacher.


1. Учебно-методический комплекс для студентов 1 курса неязыковых специальностей, М.Ж. Тусупбекова, А.М. Мухтарханова, 2008, Астана, _____стр.