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Unit 14.


Text: The Big Stores of London.

Grammar: The Future Indefinite (Simple).

Практические цели: Формирование умений и навыков устной речи (говорения) и письменного выражения мыслей, закрепление лексического и грамматического материала. Развитие навыков диалогической речи по теме "Shopping”.

The Big Stores of London.

One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of which are to be found in or near the West End. These stores are the mixture of tradition and modernity.

They developed in the nineteenth century; they maintain the dignity of that century, yet there are always ready to follow new trends.

The big stores of London are vast big buildings, many stories high, equipped with speedy lifts and escalators, with well-planned lighting, ventilation and heating.

Departments are carefully named; “1Budget Dresses” are really cheap dresses- but no customer likes to be thought of as a “cheap” shopper. The same applies to “Ready-to-wear”; it is used to be used for the garments that were not made-to-measure, though now of-the-peg clothes are the rule rather than the exception. “Mother-to-be” or “Lady-in-Waiting” will often be found instead of the conventional “Maternity wear”. Then there are newer words for the new trend of fashion- “Mix-and-Match”, “Unisex”, “Millinery”, “Gowns”, and sometimes still the words derived from the French- “Mantles” for coats, “Layette” for baby-wear. Another feature of London's shopping life is the chain-stores, in which the goods are displayed on open counters. A wide variety of goods is offered- chiefly foodstuffs, household goods, clothing and stationery. These chain-stores have branches in most British towns of importance.

One very well-known firm of chemists has shops in many parts of London, too, and in these you may buy not only dairy produce but also groceries, soap and household articles.

Most of the food stores, called supermarkets, operate on the self-service system: you go in, puck up a basket, walk round the shop and choose what you want. At the exit there is a check- out point, a cash-desk where you pay for all your goods together.

Topical vocabulary.

1. to be found находиться

2. mixture смесь

3. modernity современность

4. to develop развивать

  1. to maintain поддерживать

  2. dignity достоинство

  3. new trends новые тенденции

  4. to be equipped оборудованный

  5. department store универсальный магазин

  6. chain stores магазины филиалы

  7. wide variety широкое разнообразие

  8. stationery канцелярские товары

  9. toilet supplies туалетные принадлежности

  10. groceries бакалейные товары

  11. household articles предметы домашнего обихода

  12. self-service system система самообслуживания

  13. check-out point контрольный пункт

  14. cash-desk касса

  15. shop-window витрина

  16. counter прилавок

Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

  1. What kinds of stores are the features of London's shopping life?

  2. Why are big stores of London called a mixture of tradition and modernity?

  3. Why are the departments in the stores carefully named?

  4. Which stores have branches in most British towns of importance?

  5. What is characteristic of the British chemist's and dairy shops?

  6. How do the supermarkets operate?

Ex. 2. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

Характерная черта, сочетание старого и нового, новые направления в моде, многоэтажные здания, продуманно названные, “экономичное платье”, общепринятый, старомодный, выставлять, широкий выбор товаров, филиалы, значительные города, молокозаводы, фармацевтическая фирм, туалетные принадлежности, хозяйственные товары, работать по принципу самообслуживания, контрольный пункт.

Ex. 3. Repeat what the text said about the big stores of London.

Ex. 4. Fill in the following expressions in this dialogue:

Excuse me / please / I am afraid / I am sorry / thank you very much

You: ...... could you help me, ...?

Assistant: Yes?

You: I'd like a film to my camera, but I am not sure what kind.

Assistant: Can I see your camera?

You: ...... I've left it home.

Assistant: Is it 35 mm?

You: ........, but I do not really know.

Assistant: Does the film look like this or like this?

You: ah, it's like that one.

Then it is 35 mm. Slides or prints?

You: Prints,......

Assistant: 24 or 36?

You: 36, ......

Assistant: That's 3.75 pounds......


Grammar: The Future Indefinite (Simple).

The Future Indefinite (Simple) (will do) is used:

  • when one decides to do something at the time of speaking:

Did you write the Christmas cards? - Oh, no, I had no time. I will do it now.

  • when offering to do something:

The shops are far from here. I will drive you there.

  • When promising to do something:

I will not you down. I assure you.

  • when speaking about a future fact, predicting something:

In two years she will be his wife. What will become of you?

Ex. 5. Decide what to do or not to do in the following situations.

  1. What a hot day. … (for a swim)

  2. You are too tired now. … (home work/tomorrow)

  3. You forgot to phone Ann. … (now)

  4. It is late evening. … (coffee)

  5. It is very hot in Africa in summer. … (there/on holidays)

  6. You have a lot of work to do. … (to the cinema)

Ex. 6. Decide which form of the verb is correct (or more natural) in these sentences.

  1. We will go/are going to a picnic tomorrow. Would you like to come to?

  2. The train is starting/starts at 8 tonight.

  3. I am sure you will get/ are getting the tickets.

  4. I am sorry. I can not come. I will meet/ am meeting my sister at the station.

  5. They will arrive/ are arriving tomorrow morning.

  6. Do not worry, I promise I will not hurt/ am not hurting you.

  7. If I can not make it at 5, I will phone/ am phoning you.

Ex. 7. Answer the questions using the words in brackets.

  1. When do you think she will write? (probably/never)

  2. When do you think they will stay? (expect/ at her aunt's)

  3. When do you think he will phone? (I am sure/ tonight)

  4. How do you think they will let us know? (think/ send a cable)

  5. Do you think he will come back? (I am sure/ very soon)

  6. When do you think she will give me? (expect/ a kiss)

Ex. 8. Translate into English using will or going to.

1. - Почему ты включаешь телевизор?

    • Я собираюсь посмотреть вечерние новости.

  1. - Ой, я забыла деньги дома!

- Ничего, не волнуйся. Я одолжу тебе.

  1. - У меня ужасно болит голова

-Да? Подожди здесь. Я принесу тебе таблетки.

  1. -Куда ты несешь ведро с водой?

-Я собираюсь мыть машину.

  1. - Я решила перекрасить кухню.

-в какой цвет ты ее покрасишь?