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Vocabulary practice

1. The text contains both general vocabulary and vocabulary which is closely associated with the hotel and catering sector of the tourist industry. Find the words in the text which match the definition given on the left.


Word or expression used

in the text

a) a number of different things of the same general kind

b) equipment provided by a hotel

c) available

d) level

e) accommodation which has its own private bathroom

f) opportunity or right to enter

g) a room in a hotel where people can sit and relax

2. Arrange each of the following words and expressions under the appropriate heading: services or facilities.

Ensuite WC, easy chair, lounge, assistance with luggage, morning calls, shoe cleaning, shower, full length mirror, TV in lounge, bedside lights, hairdryers, laundry, TV, radio and telephone, morning tea, hot evening meals.

Sum up what you have learned from the text about hotel classification in Britain.


Prepare report on hotel classifications in different countries.


Part one

Words to remember

  • to perform research – проводить исследование

  • to result in smth – приводить к чему-л., иметь результатом

  • to be engaged in smth – заниматься чем-л.

  • to promote – способствовать, продвигать; содействовать развитию, распространению

  • “red tape” – бюрократизм, волокита

  • entry formalities – нормы и правила въезда в страну, формальности при въезде

  • tourist deficit – туристский дефицит

  • to discourage – расхолаживать, отбивать охоту; отговаривать; отсоветовать

ant. to encourage – поощрять, поддерживать стимулировать

  • to meet standards – удовлетворять, соответствовать стандартам

  • to maintain – поддерживать; сохранять; содержать (в исправности, чистоте)

  • standards of cleanliness – стандарты чистоты, гигиены

  • expenditures – траты, расходы

  • impact – влияние; воздействие

  • to spread economic benefits – распространять экономические выгоды

  • to undertake – предпринимать; брать на себя обязательства

  • tax incentive – налоговая льгота

  • to be in favour of – быть за; быть сторонником чего-л.; стоять за что-л.


Read the text, then look through the comprehension exercises and speak on the text.

Regulation, Research, and Development in Tourism

The roles of government are vital to tourism. First, governments generally set policy of their country, state, or locality toward tourism. They also regulate the different components of the industry on a day-to-day basis. Second, they perform the research and analysis that result in statistics on the tourist industry. Third, they are often involved in the development of tourism in their areas. This is especially true in the developing countries, but it occurs in industrialized areas as well. Fourth, governments are actively engaged in promoting a flow of tourism to their regions with advertising or public relations techniques. In many countries, tourism is so important that its interests are represented at the ministerial level of government. Spain, for example, has a Ministry of Tourism and Information.

One of the ways in which countries or regions can promote tourism is by relaxing the kind of regulation that usually comes under the heading of “red tape”. Travel is made easier when there are no visa requirements and when the entry formalities are simple.

National policy can also discourage tourism. In some cases, this may work to prevent the country’s nationals from traveling outward. Some countries have a tourist deficit: that is, the money citizens of the country take out of their countries is greater than the amount that tourists from other countries bring in.

Any country can discourage incoming tourism simply by not providing accommodations and catering services or by restricting the length of time a traveler can stay in that country. Some countries have set visa and entrance requirements that severely restrict entry.

Governments at all levels are also involved in day-to day regulations of the tourist facilities including various kinds of licensing requirements once the business is in operation. A licence is a document giving permission to carry on a particular kind of activity after meeting prescribed standards and paying a fee. Catering establishments must be inspected periodically in most localities to ensure that they maintain the standards of cleanliness.

One of the principal purposes for the existence of either official or semiofficial tourist bureaus is to gather travel statistics. The arrival cards that are customary feature of international travel are the basis for many of the statistics. Departure cards are also required in several countries in order to get more accurate figures on the length of the tourist’s stay. These forms are also known as embarkation and disembarkation cards.

Research involves travel statistics, tourist expenditures, the purpose of trip or the tourist reactions to vacation. Statistics should be considered as estimates rather than accurate figures. Much of the purpose of research simply involves a classification count – business, pleasure, visiting friends or relatives, health, and so on. Deeper research tries to find out why tourists visited a particular resort and what their reactions were.

Still another kind of research in tourism involves trying to determine the social impact of tourism on an area. This has become almost a prerequisite before undertaking tourist development.

Most governments now try to regulate the location and density of new developments, thereby spreading the economic benefits more widely.

Many countries have become involved in the development of tourism through direct financial investment. One of the methods is tax incentives. In some cases, builders and operators have been allowed to run their facilities for as long as ten years without paying taxes. In other cases, taxes have been reduced or payment has been postponed until the operation was returning a profit. It should be pointed out, however, that governments are not acting merely out of generosity in giving out such benefits, since their own revenues increase in the long run as a result of the money brought in by tourism.

Where the government investment is not direct, there must be an indirect investment in the form of building or improving the infrastructure. The infrastructure consists of those things that are necessary before development can take place – roads, sewers, electricity, telephone service, airports, and water supply. The facilities that are based on the infrastructure are often called the superstructure.

Another way in which governments encourage tourism is institution of training programs for service personnel in order to have people available to fill the jobs generated by tourism.

Before a government undertakes tourist development, it usually attempts to determine the market potential – the number or percentage of travelers it can hope to attract. This is followed by studies of the social impact and very often of the environmental impact – what tourism will do to the natural surroundings. The research is followed by actual planning and development that include improvement of the infrastructure, financial arrangements, and construction of the superstructure. The tendency at the present time is strongly in favor of careful research and planning instead of the more or less unrestricted growth and expansion.
