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2. Think and answer:

1. What do you know about the problems of transportation for tourists in Russia?

2. Do you think there is improvement in the transportation service in this county? Why (not)?

  1. Are there special fares for tourists in Russia? What do you know about them?

  2. What problems are vital for Russian transportation companies?

  3. What are the ways of solving these problems?

  4. How is Russian transportation regulated?

  5. Does it confront similar difficulties in attracting new passengers?

  6. What is your view of the further development of means of transportation in Russia?

Part two


Listen to the interview.

Air Travel

Terry Lee, Britannia’s Advance Planning Manager, is talking about how he plans and executes the company’s summer flight programme. Britannia is a large British air carrier. Thomson is a large British tour operator.

Note the following words and expressions from the interview:

  1. to lay down – устанавливать; утверждать

  2. fleet – флотилия; парк (самолетов, автомобилей и т.д.)

  3. counterpart – противная сторона; лицо, занимающее равноценное положение в другой организации

  4. maintenance – эксплуатация; техническое обслуживание

  5. to impose – налагать (обязательства); навязать

зд. to impose constraints – вводить ограничения

  1. slots – зд. временные “щели”, позволяющие аэропорту принимать дополнительные рейсы; промежутки в расписании рейсов

  2. to contend with – зд. принимать во внимание; считаться; соперничать; состязаться

  3. core – сердцевина; ядро; суть; центр (чего-л.)

core computer system – центральная компьютерная система

  1. feasibility – возможность; вероятность

to run a feasibility study – проводить научно-техническое обоснование, исследование

  1. run-up – разбег

  2. via – через

  3. SITA – Students International Travel Association – Международная студенческая ассоциация путешествий

  4. frenetic (phrenetic) – исступленный; неистовый; безумный

  5. horse trading – обсуждение условий сделки, сопровождаемое взаимными уступками

  6. direct costs – прямые затраты

overall costs – общие затраты


l. Listen to the interview again and decide if these statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.

  1. Britannia and Thomson decide how many planes will be in use.

  2. They have to fill 26,000 slots in a twenty-four week programme.

  3. They don't expect to change their flight plans.

  1. The computer system can help the user to predict potential flight disasters.

  2. The computer system is fast but has not yet led to direct savings in expenditure.

2. In the interview you heard about the stages in planning a flight programme. Complete the chart using information from the interview.


Stage 1.

a. Discussions are held between us and _______ to set objectives.

Stage 2.

b. Use last year's programme as a base.

c. Ask counterpart about commercial requirements, e.g. demand from airports and timing of_______.

d. Take into account profitability targets, maintenance requirements and efficient use of aircraft and their_________.

e. Negotiate slots at airports. Check airport's _______ and noise restrictions.

Stage 3.

f. _______ on the core computer system.

Stage 4.

g. Run _________ study.

h. Run _________ study.

Stage 5.

i. Decide on plan.

Stage 6.

j. Negotiate with airports and other airlines through _________ aviation network.


k. Go to the International conference to negotiate.

Stage 8.

l. Make final adjustments.

Stage 9.

m. Send brochures to the printers.