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2. Now use the paragraphs you have written above to complete the text of the “welcome aboard” notice.

  1. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard the Ramada Diamond and to our cruise of the Caribbean. If you have sailed with us before, you will notice that the ship has been modernized. _____________________________________________.

  2. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy the gourmet food we provide and would like to remind you of mealtimes in the main restaurants. __________________________.

  3. Our first port of call will be St Lucia on Wednesday. _______________________.

  4. Please note: may we remind you of the importance of pick-up times, as there was an unfortunate incident on one of our recent cruises.____________________________.

  5. We trust that this will not happen to you and hope you have an enjoyable cruise.


3. A tour operator is talking to a colleague about a disastrous cruise. Read what he says and rewrite the information using the passive in the appropriate tense.

“It’s been terrible. Apparently, yesterday, at the start of the cruise they were still redecorating the ship – and in fact the last I heard was that they are still painting the cabins and have only opened one of the restaurants. Everyone is furious with the company, but you can’t blame them – they couldn’t delay the start of the cruise because the contractors hadn’t told them about the problems. I think our clients will be OK because they usually compensate passengers for this sort of thing, but they’ll definitely fine the company.”

  1. The ship/redecorate – The ship was still being redecorated.

  2. The cabins/still/paint _____________________________________________.

  3. Only one of the restaurants/open ____________________________________.

  4. The start of the cruise/not delay _____________________________________.

  5. They/tell about the problems _______________________________________.

  6. Passengers/compensate/this sort of thing ______________________________.

  7. The company/definitely/fine _______________________________________.

Forms of the future

1. Will or present simple? Read the sentence and put the verbs into the correct tense forms.

  1. I ________ (give) you a ring as soon as the tickets ________ (arrive).

  2. A motor launch ________ (take) passengers ashore when the ship _______ (arrive) at Grenada.

  3. I _______ (give) your message to the captain before he _______ (leave).

  4. I _______ (contact) you before I _________ (confirm) the booking.

  5. When we ________ (get) to Luxor, we ________ (visit) the temple of Karnak.

2. Will or going to? Fill in the blanks with will or the correct form of going to.

  1. – Have you organized your summer holiday yet?

– Yes, we _________ go on a cruise round the Greek Islands.

  1. – Do you know if there are still any places on the excursion to Abu Simbel?

– I’m not sure – I __________ Have a word with the purser and let you know.

  1. – I __________ get another film from the shop. Do you need anything?

– No thanks. See you later.

  1. – What do you need your passport for?

– I ________ change some traveller’s cheques.

  1. – I’m a bit worried about leaving these valuables in the cabin.

– Of course, madam. We __________ keep them for you in the safe if you like.

3. One of your customers has booked a cruise to St Vincent and the Grenadines on board a luxury charter yacht. Give your customer details of the cruise based on the following information. The first one has been done for you.

Monday Arrive in St Vincent

spend half a day in St Vincent

set sail at 6.00 p.m.

Tuesday Travel to Bequia

afternoon visit to whaling museum

Wednesday Spend in Mustique

lunch at Charleston Bay

Thursday Go to Palm Island

chance to go to scuba diving

Friday Cross to Union Island

catch 06.25 connecting flight to St Lucia

overnight at St Lucia Paradise Hotel

Saturday Fly back to London

ETA 18.30 to local time

You’re arriving in St Vincent on Monday; you’re spending the day there and the yacht sets at 6.00 in the evening. On Tuesday,_____________________________________

Listening and speaking International etiquette

Note the words and expressions from the talk

to experience – узнать; испытать на себе; приобрести опыт (в чем-л.)

to be aware of smth – сознавать отдавать себе полный отчет в том, что…

etiquette – этикет

to go amiss – не получится; получится не так, как надо; неправильно; неверно

mosque – мечеть

impurity – загрязнение; грязь

posture – поза; положение; осанка

to blow nose – сморкаться

to bow – кланяться

chopsticks – палочки для еды (у китайцев, корейцев, японцев)

unintentionally – непреднамеренно

to cause offence – оскорбить; нанести обиду

Different countries and cultures have different ways of behaving. How much do you know about “international etiquette”?

1. Which of these things would be socially unacceptable in your country?

a. wearing shorts in a religious building

b. wearing outdoor shoes in a religious building

c. topless bathing

d. crossing your legs in public

e. pointing with your forefinger

f. blowing your nose in public

g. kissing someone you’re introduced to for the first time (man-man)

h. kissing someone you’re introduced to for the first time (woman-woman)

i. using your left hand to eat with

j. asking for more food at a dinner party if you’re still hungry

k. leaving food on your plate at a dinner party

2. Do you know any countries where these things would not be acceptable?

3. You are going to listen to part of a welcome talk to a group of passengers on a round-the-world cruise. Among the countries they will be visiting are Spain, Egypt and the Middle East, India, Singapore, Thailand, and Japan. Which kinds of behaviour in the list in exercise 1 do you think will be acceptable or unacceptable in these countries?

4. Listen to the cassette and fill in the table below. Where information is given, write for acceptable and × for unacceptable.


Egypt and Middle East





a. wearing shorts

b. wearing shoes

c. topless bathing

d. crossing legs

e. pointing

f. blowing nose

g. kissing (men)

h. kissing (women)

i. using left hand to eat

j. asking for more food

k. leaving food

Prepare a list of recommendations for appropriate behaviour for those foreign tourists who are planning to make a tour of Russia for the first time.

Think about points discussed on the cassette – religious buildings, greetings and introductions, appropriate dress, posture and body language, eating and drinking. Include information about other areas, such as bargaining, tipping, queuing, attitudes to women, behaviour in business meetings, and so on.

Use expressions like:

Never…/Always … If possible, visitors should/shouldn’t …

It’s a good idea (not) to … Take care you (don’t)…

Make sure you (don’t) … Be careful (not) to …


Part one

Words to remember

  • in the vicinity of – поблизости, вблизи от

  • impact – влияние, воздействие

  • flood of passenger – поток пассажиров

  • lounge – холл или комната отдыха

  • pension – пансион

  • to lodge – разместить, поселить

  • full board – полный пансион

  • to lease – сдавать или брать в аренду

  • lease – аренда: контракт, дающий право владеть и распоряжаться недвижимостью на оговоренных условиях и за фиксированную плату

  • franchise – франшиза (лицензия): право на производство или продажу продукции другой компании

  • condominium – кондоминиум

  • joint owner – совладелец

  • occupancy rate – показатель загрузки

  • to assume dominant place – занять господствующее положение

  • marina – марина, специальный причал для частных лодок и яхт

  • to constitute – составлять

  • liquor store – магазин ликероводочных напитков

  • delicatessen – деликатесы; гастрономический магазин

  • gourmet – гурман


Read the text, then look through the comprehension exercises and speak on the text.

Accommodations and catering

A wide variety of accommodations is available to the modern tourist. They vary from the guesthouse or tourist home with one or two rooms to grand luxury hotels with hundreds of rooms.

Before the age of railroads, travelers stayed at inns in the country or in small hotels – most of them family-owned – in the towns and cities. The first big hotels with hundreds of rooms were built in the vicinity of railroad terminals to serve the flood of new passengers. These new hotels were more impersonal than the old-fashioned family-style inn or hotel.

A feature of Europe is the pension, a small establishment with perhaps ten to twenty guest rooms. Originally, pensions offered not only lodging but also full board, all of the day’s meals for the guest. Nowadays, however, most of them offer only a bed, usually at an inexpensive rate, and a “continental breakfast” of coffee and rolls.

Many people travel to Europe because of its rich historical and cultural heritage. As a result, many old homes and castles have been converted into small hotels. Many old inns have also been restored to serve people with similar romantic tastes.

The major trend in the hotel industry today, however, is toward the large corporate-operated hotel. Many of these hotels might well be described as “packaged”. A number of large companies have assumed a dominant place in the hotel industry. Some companies that operate on a worldwide basis are Holiday Inns, Sheraton, Inter-Continental, Hilton International, Ramada Inns and others.

Some of the hotel corporations operate on a franchise basis; that is, the hotel and its operation are designed by the corporation, but the right to run it is sold or leased. The operator then pays a percentage to the parent corporation. His franchise can be withdrawn, however, if he does not maintain the standards that have been established. Other hotel companies serve primarily as managers. The Caribe Hilton, the first and most successful of the big resort hotels in Puerto Rico, was built by the government of the island, which then gave the Hilton company a management contract.

Large, modern hotels contain not only guest rooms, but many other facilities as well. They usually contain restaurants and cocktail lounges, shops, and recreational facilities such as swimming pools or health clubs. Many hotels also have facilities for social functions, conventions, and conferences – ballrooms, auditoriums, meeting rooms of different sizes, exhibit areas, and the like. Nowadays convention facilities are very often included in resort hotels so that people who attend conventions there can combine business with pleasure.

Another modern development in the hotel business is the motel, a word made up from motor and hotel. The motel might best be described as a place that has accommodations both for automobiles and human beings. The typical motel is a low structure around which is built a parking lot to enable the guests to park their cars as close as possible to their rooms.

Another trend in the hotel industry is the construction of the self-contained resort complex. This consists of a hotel and recreational facilities, all of which in effect are isolated from the nearby community. Examples include the holiday “villages” that have been built by Club Mediterranee for its members.

Casinos, wherever they are legal, are another feature of some hotels. In Las Vegas, Nevada, the hotels are really secondary to gambling. They feed, house, and entertain the guests, but the real profits come from the casinos. In Puerto Rico and other places, gambling usually acts as an additional, rather than the principal, attraction for the hotels.

Still another trend in resort accommodations is condominium construction. The condominium is a building or group of buildings in which individuals purchase separate units. At the same time they become joint owners of the public facilities of the structure and its grounds and recreational areas. The condominium has become popular because of desire of many people to own a second home for vacations.

Caravanning and camping reflect another trend in modern tourism, thanks in large part to the automobile. Cars variously called caravans, vans, or campers come equipped with sleeping quarters and even stoves and refrigerators. They are in effect small mobile homes, or at least hotel rooms. Many people also carry tents and other equipment with which they can set up a temporary home. Facilities are now offered in many resort areas for camping. The operator may rent only space, but he may also provide electricity and telephone service.

A similar kind of arrangement exists for boat owners who wish to use their boats for accommodations while they are traveling in them. This involves the marina, a common feature of resort areas on waterways.

The hotel business has its own load factor in the form of the occupancy rate. This is the percentage of rooms or beds that are occupied at a certain point in time or over a period of time. One of the hazards of the hotel business is a high occupancy rate during one season and a very low one during another. For instance, Miami Beach is essentially a winter resort. Hotels there try to increase occupancy in the summer by offering very low rates. On the other hand, many summer resorts have built winter sports facilities to attract people during their off-season.

Catering, providing food and drink for transients, has always gone together with accommodations. Food services are the feature of hotels. The typical modern “packaged hotel” includes a restaurant, a coffee shop for quicker and less expensive meals, and a bar or cocktail lounge. Many larger hotels have several restaurants, often featuring different kinds of foods, as well as different prices. Hotels also normally provide room service – food and drink that are brought to the guest’s room. In addition catering service is usually provided in the hotel’s recreational areas. The poolside bar and snack bar, for quick food, are normal parts of the service at a resort hotel.

Restaurants, bars, and nightclubs outside the hotels are a standard feature of the resort scene. Indeed, many resorts could not really operate without them. They provide not only catering but also some kind of entertainment for the tourists who are bored with the limits of hotel life.

Food, in fact, may be one of the reasons why people travel. Many people go out of their way to visit France, for example, because of the gourmet meals that are served there. Similarly, the excellent restaurants of Hong Kong constitute one of its principal attractions. It should also be pointed out that many grocery stores, delicatessens, and liquor stores make money from tourism.

The accommodations and catering service industries employ large numbers of people. At a luxury hotel, there may be as many as two or three employees for every guest room. At a large commercial hotel, there are usually about eight employees for every ten guest rooms. This intensive use of labor is one of the reasons why tourism is so attractive to developing countries. Furthermore, many of the hotel and restaurant jobs are semiskilled work, so only a small amount of training is necessary to fill them.
